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Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Presnetly I am engaged in teaching the Vedanga Jyotish at BA and MA level at Courses conducted by Kavi Kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. I have learnt the basics of jyotish under the guidance of HoraBhushan Shri V.V.Divekar of Nagpur. I am a disciple of Pandit Shri Sanjay Rath of Puri (Orissa) and is learning advance Jyotish in his guidance. My main interests in Jyotish are Prenatal Jyotish (Adhan Kundali), Chakras in Jyotish, Astrometeorology, Studies in Rainfall, Astrological applications in Finance, Shares, Commodites prices, Jaimini Astrology etc. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LEARNING SYSTEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIME IN INDIA. ONE IS DIRECT, IN WHICH GURUKUL PARAMPARA IS A WELL KNOWN SYSYTEM, WHERE THE GURU TEACHES HIS SHISHYA DIRECTLY. THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM WHICH IS INDIRECT AND IS FAMOUS AS EKALAVYA SYSTEM. THIS CAN BE COMPARED WIH THE PRESENT AGE DISTANT LEARNING SYSTEMS. THIS BLOG WILL BE USEFUL TO ALL THOSE VEDANGA JYOTISH SYUDENTS WHO WANTS TO STUDY JYOTISH BUT CANNOT GO TO A GURU AND LEARN DIRECTLY.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


The Bhava is a very common term used in jyotish. What Bhava is? It is a well known principle. The Bhava is basically connected with the emotions. As the moon is connected with the Mind and Sun with the Atma. Emotions cause to create certain kind of rasas which are important for creation. The basics of the Bhava and the Rasas is better explained in Natyashastra of Bharatmuni. This theory has a close relation to Jyotish. There is a separate branch of jyotish which deals with the Lakshana. The Prasna Marga deals with this subject in details. The Anga Lakshana of the Jatak at the time of asking questions is dealt in details in this Part of Prasna Marga. The actions (Natya) is connected with the Bhavanas (Bhava) and the thoughts in the mind which are created due to the Bhavas is nothing but the Rasa which are depicted through the Anga Lakshana.

There is verse in Natya shastra which will explain this which is as follows:

" Jato hasta stato drusti jato drusti stato mana:
jato mana stato bhavo jato bhava stato rasa:"

It will be difficult to get into the Bhava Mana Rasa in astrology without going into the basics of it. I have attempted to give the Bhava Rasa chemistry which can directly be correlated to the thery of Sapta Rasa explained by Maharshi Parashara and the Anga Lakshana, Nimmitta part of Jyotish.

Bhavas are the meaning of a theme, a meaning that includes words, physical gestures and emotions.To be precise, that which conveys the meaning intented by the person through words , physical gestures, and facial gestures is called as bhavas.
A meaning conveyed by a stimulus is called as Vhibhavas and when the same is made intelligible by words , physical gestures and emotions it is called as Anubhavas.

Vibhava is that which leads to a perception.So vibhava is a cause.It is the cause of words, gestures, and facial expressions.So , in ordinary parlance, vibhaavita means “understood”.

Anubhavas are accompanied(anu) by words, gestures and facial expressions. According to a traditional verse , an an anubhava is conveyed with the help of words, gestures etc.

There are 3 categories of bhavas –
Sthaayi bhavas, Vyabhikari bhavas, and Saattvika bhavas.
There are 8 Sthaayi bhavas, 33 Vyabhikari bhavas and 8 Saattvcika bhavas. Thus 49 bhavas are the source of expression of the rasas of creation.The rasas are produced when these come into contact with the qualities common.

The 8 Sthaayi bhavas ar the 8 rasas.Their expressions – both involuntary(anubhavas) and voluntary(vyabhikari bhavas) .The 8 rasas or the sthayi bhavas are –Srngara,Hasya,Karuna, Raudra, Vira, Bhayanaka, Bibhatsa and Adbhuta.These have already been explained under the Rasas.
The other vibhavas are-

The other vibhavas are-
1)Rati-(love is a feeling of pleasure)-It is performed sweetly and gracefully.
2)Haasa-(laughter)-It is expressed by smile, gentle laughter and a guffaw.
The other vibhavas are-
3)Soka-(grief)-It is expressed by collapsing on the ground and repeated lamentations, uneasy body movement,, sighs and shaking of the head, knitted eyebrows etc.
4)Anger- It is expressed by bitting the lips, looking down and wiping the perpiration, looking like an angry man,etc.

The other vibhavas are-
5)Energy or Vigour-This is a characteristic of a uttama(high) character.It is used to express clarity , cleverness etc.
6)Fear-It is expressed by drooping limbs, hands& legs shaking, fearful eyes etc.
The other vibhavas are-
7)Disgust-Only in the case of females and low characters .It is expressed by holding the nose , by covering, by looking doubtfully etc.
8)Wonder-A job excellently done pleases one; and the pleasure produces amazement at the fulfillment.This is expressed by extreme joy.

Vyabhikari Bhavas

1. Nirveda: Poverty, disease, insult, humiliation, abuse, censure, anger, beating, separation from dear ones, detection of truth etc., are the stimulant causes. In case of females, and low characters, it’s enpr. is the form of crying, heavy sighs, hesitation etc.,

2. Gtani: hurt, emptiness, illness, starvation due to vows and fasts, Anxiety, highly intoxicating drink ,Too much exercise etc., are it’s vibhavas.It’s anubhavas are weak speech , dull eyes, emaciated cheeks, trembling, drooping body etc.,

3. Shanka: It is associated with doubting, Low, and female charecters. Robbing, offending the authorities like King, comitting Sinful act etc., are its vibhavas.It’s anubhavas are frequently glancing To and fro, covering the face, pale face trembling etc.,

4. Asuya: it’s vibhavas are hatred for good luck, riches and intelligence of others. It’s anubhavas are proclaiming faults and obstructing good deeds looking with knitted brow, and contempt and ridicule.
5. Mada: it is of three kinds. Intoxication is of three kinds - lively, middling, and low. Its cause is five fold. It is said that one intoxicated person sings another cries, a third one laughs, a fourth For one uses harsh words and the fifth sleeps.

Shravana: (Fatigue) Its vibhavas are walking excersice etc and it anubbhavas are rubbing & shampooing the body, heavy sighs, stern steps making faces etc.
7. Alasya: Its vibhavas are depressing illness satiety etc. Its anubhavas are aversion to all activities streatching on bed drousiness etc. It is epicted by both male and female.

8.Daivya: Ill luck worry etc are it vibhavas. It is anubhavas are deffidence, heavy headache and restlessness etc

9.Chinta-(anxiety)- Its vibhavas are loss of prosperity, poverty etc. Its anubhavas are sighing, heaving ,worrying etc.

10.Moha-(fainting)- Its vibhavas are bad luck, fear of illness, calamity, excitement, etc.Its anubhavas are unconciousness ,giddiness, falling etc.

11.Smrti-(memory)- It is the remembrance of happy and unhappy experiences. Its vibhavas are loss of peace of mind, bad night of sleeplessness,worrying constantly by remembering like experiences etc. Its anubhavas are shaking the head, looking down, raising the eye brows etc.

12.Dhrti-(fortitude)- Its vibhavas are bravery, knowledge, prosperity, devotion to elders etc. Its anubhavas are enjoying what is achieved and not grieving over what is not achieved or destroyed.

13.Vridha-(bashfulness or sense of shame)-Its vibhavas are disobedience , confession of guilt , repentance etc. Its anubhavas are hiding ones face, looking down, writing on the ground with the toe, biting nails etc.
14.Capulata-(nervousness)- Its vibhavas are hatred , intolerance, envy etc. Its anubhavas are harsh words , beating, killing etc.

15.Harsha-(joy)-Its vibhavas are achieving one’s desires, pleased minds , blessings of the kings,gods and elders ,etc . Its anubhavas are pleased look cheerful face, embracing, feeling thrilled , tears of joy etc.

16)Aavega-(agitation or excitement)- Its vibhavas are portents of storm , rain ,fire elephants running amock, natural calamities etc. Its anubhavas are physically collapsing, uneasiness , amazement , etc.

17)Jadataa-(slothfulness )- Its vibhavas are hearing and seeing things one likes or does not like , illness etc. Its anubhavas are silence, staring unwinkingly etc.

18)Garva-(pride or arrogance)-Its vibhavas are prosperity, handsome figure, youth etc. Its anubhavas are jealousy, arguementativeness, looking at one’s own self in the mirror, contemptuous laughter, etc.

19)Visada –( sorrow , regret , disappointment)- Its vibhavas are incompletion of work undertaken and calamity due to acts of gods. Its anubhavas are seeking help , thinking of a remedy, restlessness, sighing ,etc.

20)Autsukya-(uneasiness)- Its vibhavas are separation , repeated remembrance of it, etc. Its anubhavas are deep - long sighs , down cast face , thoughtfulness drowsiness, etc

21)Nidra-(sleep)- Its vibhavas are weakness , fatigue, weariness, intoxication, etc. Its anubhavas are puffed up face, looking at the body, roving eyes, yawning, eyes closing, drooping body etc.

22)Apasmara-(forgetfulness)-Its vibhavas are being possessed by gods, ghosts , etc . Its anubhavas are trembling, heaving jumping running, falling, foaming at the mouth etc.

23)Supta-(asleep, being overcome by sleep)- Its vibhavas are bewilderment, enjoying objects of senses etc. Its anubhavas are drooping body, heaving as on awakening, closing eyes ,all the limbs of the body unmoving etc.
24)Vibodha-(awakening)-hunger ,end of a dream,touch of hard subatance, loud sounda are the vibhavas. Yawning , rubbing of the eyes are the anubhavas.

25)Amarsa-(intolerance,impatience)-It is produced in a man who is insulted and ridiculed by others richer,stronger and better learned.These are the vibhava stimulus. The anubhavas are shaking of thehead,sweating,downcastlook,moodiness,determination etc.

26)Avahittam-(dissimulation)-It is in the nature of covering up the real things. Its vibhavas are sense of shame , fear,defeat,loss of dignity etc. Its anubhavas are appearinf different,distracting or distorting facts etc.

27)Ugrataa-(fierceness)-The vibhavas are offending a king Its anubhavas are killing ,binding,beating,condemnation etc.

28)Mati-(understanding, judgement) – It’s vibhavas are Studying various shastra, consideration of pros and cons etc., It’s anubhavas are, raising doubts, arguing and removing doubts in the interest of students.

29) Vyaadhaii- The three humours are – Vaata [wind- gas], Pitta [bile], and kafa [phlegm]. Combinations of any of these results in diseases which are characterized by fever etc., The anubhavas of these characteristics are, trembling and quivering all over, folding up the body, craving for warmth, tossing the body, hands and feet, etc.,

30)Unmaada-(insanity)-Separation , loss of wealth, natural calamities, and the disturbances of the 3 humours are the various vibhavas. Its anubhavas are laughing or crying , moving in a chaotic manner etc.

31)Maranam-(death caused by illness or violence)-Its vibhavas or the causes are weapons, poisons, animals, diseases , accidents etc. The anubhavas are symptoms of illness and its consequent effects, quivering, hiccough, drooping shoulders etc.

32)Traasa-(dread)-The vibhavas are lightning , meteor, rainstorm etc. And its anubhavas are covering the body, trembling, shaking etc.
33)Vitarka-(arguementation)-Its vibhavas are doubt, deliberation, discrepance etc. Its anubhavas are reasoning, solving the question etc.


Sattva means emotions or genuineness , which is a quality of the mind. Things like feeling thrilled , tears, pallor etc. can be achieved only when the mind is composed.The pains and pleasures can be shown or expressed only on being emotional correct.

There are 8 Saattvika Bhavas .They are-

1. Stamba-(stupefaction)-Its acted by standing still, body unmoving, eyes unseeing and limbs lifeless.

2. Sveda-(sweating)-This is depicted by using a fan, wiping the perspiration, etc.

3. Romaancha-(feeling thrilled)-Its depicted by showing frequently as if the hair is on the end, by plucking movements ,and touching the limbs.

4. Svarabedha-(break in the voice)-Its shown by stuttering in different voices.

5. Vepathu-(trembling)-Its depicted by quivering , and shaky movements.

6. Vaivarnya-(pallor)-It is shown by pressure on the pulse and changing colouring of the face.
7. Asru-(tears)-Shown by wiping the eyes.
8. Pralaya-(swoon death)-Shown by collapsing onto the floor or the ground.


Rasa is a cumulative result of vibhava (stimulus)Anubhava (involuntary run ) vybhikari bhava (voluntary run}

Origin , colour , and deities of Rasas.

The basic rasas are 4 –erotic (shringara), beroic (vetra), terror (raudra) and disgust (bibatsa). Further, Hasiya (horror,laughter) is derived from raudra,adbhuta(wonder,magical) from vira,and bhayanaka(dreat)from bibasta.

1) Shringara
Its based on love (Rathi) It results in the caseof men women of healthy youth. It is of two kinds a)Sambhoga(fulfillment) b)viprabambha A)the
shringara rasa must the enpressed by doing looks, lifting or raising eyebrow, side glances, graceful steps and gestures. Which are fall Anubhavas (disvaluntary runs.)

The Vipralaambha shringara are dejection, fatigue,susticious, jelousy, patience, sleepiness, drcaminess etc.,

2. Hasya: This is stimulated by disfiguscement of dress., impudence etc.,Its empressed by expansion of lips, nose, cheeks, wide staring, vetrtration kof eyes etc., are Anubhavas. The vyabhikakri bhavas are dissimjulation,, laziness, sleepiness etc., Hasyam is of 2 types-
a) when one laughs oneself.
b) when one makes others laugh.
6 types of laughing are
a)Smitha(gentle laugh)
b)Hasitha (laughter)
c)vihasitha (boud styile)
d)upaliasifha(satirical laughter)
e)Apahasita(silly laugh)
f)athi hasitha(loud laughter)

3. Roudra: The rasa is momented with evil spirits & iippl of viokort natures &.it cames fights. The stimulates for this rasa is anger boldness abuses, imullts and lies etc.

The Vyabhikari Bhavas are- cold Bloodedness, Excitement, Intolerence, Sweating etc.

4. Karuna: Karuna or pathos is the sathayi bhava of is stimulated by curse, pain, calamity, seperation from near 7 dear ones etc.The anubhavas are shedding tears,pallor,drooping limbs etc.The Vyabhicari bhavas are disgust,exhaustion,fear,confusion etc.

5. Veeram
It is produced by an energetic, determined, unrelenting nature which is neither taken by surprise nor by confusion. It comprises of challenging words and deeds showing courage, boldness, bravery, and self-confidence.

6. Adbhutha:
It is stimulated by the sight of a divine person, by achieving the desired, by going to interesting places, temples etc. The anubhavas are distended eyes, unthinking and steady glances, thrill, joy, words of appreciation, twisting the body, etc.
The Vyabhikari Bhavas are- being stunned, shedding tears, Stammering, excitement, joy, restlessness etc.

7. Bhibatsa: It is stimulated by seeing or hearing undesirable, ugly, and evil things. It is acted by withdrawing the body, leering, spitting, and agitation. The Vyabhikari Bhavas are - Loss of memory, agitatio
exitement, confusion, sickness, death, etc.

8. Bhayanaka: It is stimulated by seeing or hearing words, sounds, and objects, or by fear of Jackals and owls, or by going into empty houses or lonely forests, or by seeing or listening to the stories of people he/she knows, being killed or imprisoned, etc. It comprises of trembling legs and hands, eyes flitting to and fro, hait standing on the end, face losing colour, and the loss of voice. It’s Vyabhikari Bhavas are, Being stupified, sweating, stammering, confusion, fear, loss of memory, death etc.

9. Shantham: Shanta is serenity and peace. It represents the state of calm and unruffled repose that is marked simply by the lack of all other rasas. Because all emotions are absent in Shanta there is controversy whether it is a rasa at all. According to Bharata, the author of NatyaShastra, the other eight rasas are as proposed originally by Brahma, and the ninth, Shanta, is his contribution.
Shanta represents complete harmony between the mind, body and the universe. Shanta is untroubled steadiness. Shanta is the key to eternity.

Basically there are eight rasas which are called as Ashta Rasa. And the Nineth one is the Shanta Rasa which is nothing but the combination of all the rasas. Same as in the white colour thee is a combination of each colour.

Emotions have their logic: (Bharata - sixth century)

1) Emotions are manifested in poetry by a combination of situational factors. In drama, this can include event, character, language, lighting, costume, gesture, music, etc.

2) There is a specific number of emotions.

3) Some emotions are permanent, irreducible mental states, while other are fugitive and dependent.

4) A poetic composition is an organization of various feeling tones, but it invariably subordinates the weaker tones to a dominant expression

5) Feeling tones are brought together in a poem, not indiscriminately, but
according to a logic of congruity and propriety.
Emotions are caused by their objects, manifested by their expressions, and
nourished by other ancillary feelings.
There has always been controversies about its definition. Even today, there arepeople who confuse Rasa with Bhava and mistake one for he other. On a literal level, Rasa means that which is being tasted or enjoyed. Hence the word Rasika is employed todenote connoisseurs. Now, the question might be asked whether Rasa comes from Bhava or Bhava from Rasa. Bhava means, that which becomes, so Bhava becomes Rasa. ButRasa does not become Bhava.
It is said that Sringara, Rowdra, Veera and Bibhatsa are the main Rasas and theothers Hasya, Karuna, Adbhuta and Bhaya are derived from the former four. That meansthat from Sringara comes Hasya; from Rowdra comes Karuna; from Veera comesAdbhuta and from Bibhatsa comes Bhaya.
Certain colours have been specified for the
artistic representation of these Rasas, codified so to speak, for use in the performing arts.
Green is used for Sringara, red for Rowdra, golden yellow for Veera, blue for Bibhatsa, white for Hasya, grey for Karuna, black for Bhaya, yellow for Adbhuta.
For every one of these Rasas, there is a Sthayi Bhava, (the permanent state of mind), Lakshana (the definition), and Vibhava (the fundamental determinant) andUddeepana Vibhava (the excitant determinant). Then follow Anubhava (theconsequences), Sattvika Bhava (the involuntary) that is, that which springs from the
involvement of the mind, and Vyabhichari Bhava or sanchari Bhava (transitory orpassing state of mind).

Dewavrat Buit;Jyotish Shastri,
Radionic Analyst
4A; Pranesh Appartments,
SA Road, Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur 440022 (India)
Ph : 917123295442


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