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Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Presnetly I am engaged in teaching the Vedanga Jyotish at BA and MA level at Courses conducted by Kavi Kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. I have learnt the basics of jyotish under the guidance of HoraBhushan Shri V.V.Divekar of Nagpur. I am a disciple of Pandit Shri Sanjay Rath of Puri (Orissa) and is learning advance Jyotish in his guidance. My main interests in Jyotish are Prenatal Jyotish (Adhan Kundali), Chakras in Jyotish, Astrometeorology, Studies in Rainfall, Astrological applications in Finance, Shares, Commodites prices, Jaimini Astrology etc. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LEARNING SYSTEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIME IN INDIA. ONE IS DIRECT, IN WHICH GURUKUL PARAMPARA IS A WELL KNOWN SYSYTEM, WHERE THE GURU TEACHES HIS SHISHYA DIRECTLY. THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM WHICH IS INDIRECT AND IS FAMOUS AS EKALAVYA SYSTEM. THIS CAN BE COMPARED WIH THE PRESENT AGE DISTANT LEARNING SYSTEMS. THIS BLOG WILL BE USEFUL TO ALL THOSE VEDANGA JYOTISH SYUDENTS WHO WANTS TO STUDY JYOTISH BUT CANNOT GO TO A GURU AND LEARN DIRECTLY.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Prasna I


Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few Prasna Masters these days, my Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath is one of them who has learnt the prasna techniques in his traditon of shri Achyuta Dasa. I am not going into the very basic ideas of the calculations such as Chhatra rasi, Trisphuta, Chautasphuta etc. I am concentrating on some of the rare principles of Prasna. It may be possible that it will be a repeatation for scholars in Prasna.

Following charts are important for the considering any Prasna alongwith the other details:

1. Rasi chart, the Navamsa, Drekkana, and Bhava Chart.

2. A one year dasa for use in Prasna. This Dasa is basically a one year “Vimshottari dasa,” calculated from the Moon, called Dasa Samhati or compressed dasa.

3. A list of important Sphutas used in Prasna from Prasna Marga.

4. Chandra Kriya, Chandra Vela, Chandra Avastha
Hora lord at the time of the question.

These are all helpful snap shot prasna tools, that can also reveal a lot about the nature of the query. These are also applicable to the birth chart as well so you may want to check these for natal charts as well.

The Arudha is an important point used in prasna, it is determined by the direction the questioner is in. If this is not possible it is found by the querent placing a coin on a wheel divided into 12 parts. After the Arudha is selected, the Chattira Rasi is calculated. The degree of the Arudha matches the degree of the rising lagna. The Chattira Rasi is another important point used in Prasna, thus in Prasna we have 3 important Lagnas: Rising Lagna, Arudha Lagna and the Chattira.

When the navamsa lagna is a sirshodaya rasi success may be predicted.

If the lagna falls in a Prishtodaya rasi the result of the query will be

If the lagna falls in the rasi of a benefic, the result of the query will be

When the navamsa lagna is that of a malefic, success is not to be predicted.

Malefics in the 3rd, 5th, 11th and 7th will not promote the object desired.

Count from the rasi occupied by Sun up to lagna, if an odd number, the result
would be favorable.


Adhomukha Rasis are the rasi occupied by the Sun and its
angles. Urdhvamukha rasis are the rasi previous to that occupied by the Sun and
its angles and the Thrayangmukha rasis are the rasi second to the Sun and its

If a Thrayangmukha rasi rises there will be attainments after endeavours.

If the lagna lord and the lord of that house aspect each other
there will be success in the proposed venture. If the Moon aspects, the
success will come easily and quickly.

If the lord of the house concerned, occupying a rasi other than the lagna is
aspecting the lagna lord there will be delayed success. If
the Moon aspects, the success will come more easily and quickly.

The lord of the house concerned aspecting the lagna, the
lagna lord or the
Moon indicates success.

1. If the friend of the lagna lord is placed in an angular house and malefic
planets do not
occupy Kendras, 8th and the 12th, the result of the query will be auspicious.
2. If the lagna lord and the lord of the house concerned are so associated
that they fall in the same drekkana, hora or navamsa, there will be success in
the proposed venture. If the Moon aspects, the success will come easily and
3. All the cherished desires of the querist would be fulfilled if the lagna and
10th lords have adequate strength and Moon with adequate strength is related to
the stronger between the two planets.
4. The desired object will be accomplished with great difficulty if the
concerned houses are not aspected by benefics.
5. The strength, dignity, avastha, etc. of the planets indicating the success of
the query dictate the degree of fulfillment and the happiness gained.
6. The eight parts of the day beginning form sunrise, are ruled respectively by
the week-day lord and other planets in the order of the Sun to Rahu. If the
ruling period at the time of query is that of Jupiter, Mercury or Venus, the
objects of the question will be fully realized. If the ruler of the period is
the Moon, the object will be fulfilled in due course. If the periods belong to
the Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu, the result is failure.


In order to create conviction in the questioner, the astrologer should study the Arudha Lagna and read therefrom what experience the questioner had on the way:

If the 8th and 12th houses are aspected (with rasi aspects) by benefics, there
will be increase of righteousness and good actions.

If the lagna lord is a benefic there will be mental equilibrium, gain of money
and happiness.

If malefic planets occupy the 1st, the 3rd, the 9th, the 5th or the 8th house,
they will cause failure of business, loss of money, fear and anxiety.

If the Moon is conjoined with or aspected by malefic planets, there will be
quarrels with womenfolk.

If the Moon is conjoined with or aspected by malefic planets,
there will be quarrels with womenfolk.

If the lagna lord is associated with malefics then the querist would suffer loss
of wealth, distress, diseases, enemies and lose any peace of mind. There will
also be danger and it will come from men or beasts according to the nature of
the rising sign.

If both the lagna and the Moon are aspected (with rasi aspects) by malefic
planets, bad results will occur.

It should be examined whether any malefic planets occupy houses other than 3rd
and 11th. Then it should be inferred that the person is suffering from a
disease, appropriate to the malefic.

A retrograded planet is not good if it is placed in an angle. Its day, Vargas
and its stay in the ascendant will also not prove to be auspicious.

Adhomukha Rasis are the rasi occupied by the Sun and its
angles. Urdhvamukha rasis are the rasi previous to that occupied by the Sun and
its angles and the Thrayangmukha rasis are the rasi second to the Sun and its

If the 11th lord is joined by the lord of the 10th, 12th or 8th there will be
immense gain.

If the 12th house is well aspected and conjoined, the querent
will spend money on deserving cause.

If the 12th house is poorly aspected and conjoined, earnings
will be squandered.

The results arising from the lagna falling in the navamsa of Mars are fear from

Saturn spoils occupied houses excepting the 3rd and 11th houses.

The Sun and Mars spoil occupied house excepting the 3rd, 11th or 10th.

Benefics in the fourth house, increase the prospects of vehicles and friends.

Benefics in the ninth house give fame and wealth.

If Mars, the Sun, Saturn, and the (malefic) Moon are the third house they
produce fame. (Manually check to see if the Moon is malefic.)

If Mars, the Sun, Saturn, and the (malefic) Moon are in the 7th house, they do
not give good results. Same is the result if Venus occupies the 7th house.
(Manually check to see if the Moon is malefic.)

If Mars, the Sun, Saturn, and the Moon are placed in the 9th house, they produce
troubles to the army.

A malefic in the 3rd house brings misunderstanding with friends and people who
help, misfortunes to brothers, diseases in the chest, neck and right ear, mental
affliction, bad conduct and cowardice.

A benefic in the 4th confers vehicles, land, cattle, beds and general prosperity
and health.

If malefics in the 7th, there will be sickness, death of, or separation from the
life-partner, disturbance to journeys and urinary troubles. Fire may break out
in the wife's house.

Malefics in the 9th are capable of causing illness to elders, father and grand-
children, bad luck, divine wrath, disinclination to acts of charity, gradual
decline of hard earned merits, ruin of one's power of penance and hard-

Benefics in the 9th bring in blessings from elders and parents, mental
happiness, God's grace, increase of fortune, inclination to do good acts,
increase of Tapas, humanitarian tendencies and happiness from grand-children.

If the question “by what means or manner can I win
this object,” is put, then the method to be adopted is:
Gentleness if Jupiter or Venus is the strongest planet in the lagna, angles or
Intimidation if Saturn, Rahu or Mercury is the strongest planet in the lagna,
angles or upachayas.
Force of the Sun or Mars is the strongest planet in the lagna, angles or
The week-day or hora of the concerned planet is preferable.

1. If Trisphuta is in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, it is productive of intense
trouble which is greatest in Pisces, and least in Cancer.
2. If Trisphuta is in the last navamsa of Cancer, the questioner will die in a
3. If Trisphuta is in the last navamsa of Scorpio, one will die in a month.
4. If Trisphuta is in the last navamsa of Pisces, one will die in a day.
5. Movable, fixed and dual rasis and navamsas are respectively creative,
protective and destructive. If Thrisphuta falls in a destructive rasi, navamsa
or nakshatra, predict that evil alone will happen.

Planets occupying Trisphuta Rasi or the planets governing Trisphuta Navamsa
bring about the following diseases and disorders:
1. The Sun causes fever, internal heat, and severe pains in the head due to
2. The Moon causes dysentery.
3. Mars or Ketu brings in all sorts of sores and wounds.
4. Mercury causes inability to talk and think.
5. Jupiter causes weakness of the eyes.
6. Venus causes mental ill-health, excruciating pains in the body and swelling.
7. Saturn produces disorders to one's hands and legs.
8. Rahu is the cause of sudden fall from an elevated place.
By multiplying Trisphuta by 9 we get Trisphuta Navamsa. Sickness begins on that
Nakshatra day indicated by Trisphuta Navamsa. On the next Nakshatra day, the
sick man becomes unconscious, and on the following day he dies.

1. If the Sun, Etc. joines Trisphuta, father, etc will be in peril.
2. If Thrisphuta occupies chathushpada rasi or navamsa and conjoins with evil
planets, destruction of quadrupeds such as cattle or horses may be predicted.
3. Predict danger to the persons signified by the planets occupying Sukshma
1. If the Sun occupies this, predict danger to father.
2. If the Moon, say that calamities will visit mother.
3. If Mercury, calamities to uncle.
4. If Mars, trouble to brothers.
5. If Jupiter, troubles to children.
6. If Venus, troubles to the wife or husband.
7. If Saturn, troubles to servants, or the messenger sent will be involved in
8. If Rahu and Gulika occupy this rasi, the questioner will die.
9. If Gulika stands alone, (without Rahu), the astrologer will himself have some
10. If Ketu occupies this Rasi, trouble will come to the man who placed the gold
piece in the Prasna.
4. Find out the Shadvargas of the Trisphuta and note down the respective lords.
From them, read good and bad for father, mother, brother, relatives, children
and wife respectively: If the lord is strong, then good will befall the
concerned relative. By strength is meant residence in appropriate bhavas, good
strength and association or aspect of benefics. If the lord is afflicted, then
predict evil. By affliction is meant debility, evil disposition and aspect of
evil planets.

1. While answering queries, whatever object is under consideration, the house
representing the same should be treated as the lagna and the results declared.
Past has to be judged from the 12th house and future from the 2nd house.
2. Read the past, present and the future from the planets who are respectively
in Musaripha, in conjunction with and in Ithasala with the lagna lord.
3. The Bhavas ruled by planets having a larger share of benefic vargas will show
auspicious results.
4. The house which is associated or aspected by its lord flourishes and yields
its results fully. If the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th and 12th counted from a house are
occupied by benefics, the house flourishes. If they are occupied by malefics, it
5. The querent is sure to gain if the lords of the lagna and the 8th are in the
same Drekkana. In this manner, by considering the Drekkanas, should the
astrologer determine the results of all the houses even without taking into
account other combinations.
6. Whether in the past or in the future good and bad events coincide with the
transit of lagna by benefics and malefics respectively.
7. Mars and Saturn in the 7th cause sickness. If one is in the 1st and the
other in the 7th, or if they are in the 2nd and 12th or if malefics occupy the
4th and 8th, there will be death. These principles should be applied to the
house, the lord and the karaka.
8. If a house has on one of its sides the lord of the house and on the other a
friendly benefic, and if seventh house reckoned from this house has a benefic
planet not associated with a malefic, auspicious results of the house get
9. Visible hemisphere indicates a crowded place; invisible hemisphere denotes a
lonely retreat. According as the lord of Lagna is in the visible or invisible
hemisphere, the person lives in a crowded spot or in a lonely place. This
principle can be applied to other Bhavas also, so that the open or hidden nature
of their significations can be detected. Similarly the association of the Sun
and the Moon reveals the true, i.e., the internal or external nature of the


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