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Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Presnetly I am engaged in teaching the Vedanga Jyotish at BA and MA level at Courses conducted by Kavi Kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. I have learnt the basics of jyotish under the guidance of HoraBhushan Shri V.V.Divekar of Nagpur. I am a disciple of Pandit Shri Sanjay Rath of Puri (Orissa) and is learning advance Jyotish in his guidance. My main interests in Jyotish are Prenatal Jyotish (Adhan Kundali), Chakras in Jyotish, Astrometeorology, Studies in Rainfall, Astrological applications in Finance, Shares, Commodites prices, Jaimini Astrology etc. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LEARNING SYSTEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIME IN INDIA. ONE IS DIRECT, IN WHICH GURUKUL PARAMPARA IS A WELL KNOWN SYSYTEM, WHERE THE GURU TEACHES HIS SHISHYA DIRECTLY. THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM WHICH IS INDIRECT AND IS FAMOUS AS EKALAVYA SYSTEM. THIS CAN BE COMPARED WIH THE PRESENT AGE DISTANT LEARNING SYSTEMS. THIS BLOG WILL BE USEFUL TO ALL THOSE VEDANGA JYOTISH SYUDENTS WHO WANTS TO STUDY JYOTISH BUT CANNOT GO TO A GURU AND LEARN DIRECTLY.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Prasna II


Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few Prasna Masters these days, my Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath is one of them who has learnt the prasna techniques in his traditon of shri Acyta dasa. I am not going into the very basic ideas of the calculations such as Chhatra rasi, Trisphuta, Chautasphuta etc. I am concentrating on some of the rare principles of Prasna. It may be possible that it will be a repeatation for scholars in Prasna.

Roga Mrityu Vichar


1. If Panchasphuta happens to be the Janma Nakshatra of the questioner, or its
trines or the 3rd, 5th or 7th Nakshatras, or the 88th quarter from the quarter
of his asterism, or Revati, then predict that the questioner will die soon.
2. By multiplying Lagnasphuta by 9, we get Pranasphuta. By multiplying the Moon
by 9, we get Dehasphuta. By multiplying Gulika by 9, we get Mrityusphuta. If
Pranasphuta and Dehasphuta mutually aspect or combine, and they are free from
the aspect or association of Mrityusphuta, then predict 'long life'. If
Dehasphuta is afflicted by Mrityusphuta, predict long sickness. If Pranasphuta
is in any way conjoined with Mrityusphuta, say there will be fits and
3. If lagna navamsa, Chandra nvamsa and Gulika navamsa are dual rasis, predict
death. If they are fixed signs, predict sickness. If in movable signs, predict
sound health and long life. If these Amsas happen to be in mutual trines, severe
illness will result; if they aspect mutually, they cause stupor; and if they are
conjoined in a house trine to Cancer, death is certain.
4. Take the time of Prasna in ghatikas and vighatikas; convert it into
vighatikas; multiply it by 6. then divide the number by 562. Then we get the
Rasi and from the remainder, calculate degrees and minutes. The Sphuta so got
must be then subtracted from Gulikasphuta. If this happens to fall in the
nakshatra of the native, predict death; or if any of his relatives happen to be
born in this Sphuta Nakshatra, then predict that relative will die.
5. If Arudha, lagna or their navamsas are in the Rasi or Navamsa holding Gulika,
then the questioner will have bad diseases. If the majority are connected with
Gulika, the questioner will die.
6. If benefics occupy or aspect the lagna, 5th, 9th or 10th, there will be no
sickness, but if they are in depression or inimical houses or if they aspect
from such places there will be ailments.
7. If the Navamsas of Mandi, Moon and Lagna (going under the names of Mrityu,
Deha and Prana respectively) fall in moveable rasis, then there will be long
life and good health. If they fall in fixed rasis, the sickness will drag on for
a long time. If they fall in dual rasis or if they are found in one and the same
Rasi, there will be death. If these aspect one another, there will be sudden
fits and unconsciousness. If they are in trines, there will be incurable
8. If Prana and Deha or Deha and Mrityu or Prana and Mrityu Sphutas are found in
the same sign or aspect each other, then there will be long life, increase of
sickness, and fits and unconsciousness respectively.
9. If Trisphuta occupies Samhara (destructive) Khanda, Rasi or Nakshatra, or if
it is in conjunction with evil planets, or if it happens to be the 28th quarter
from the clients nakshatra pada or if it happens to be the 3rd, 5th, or 7th
nakshatra from the clients Janma Nakshatra, or if it happens to be his Anujanma
Nakshatra, then predict 'death'.
10. If Trisphuta happens to fall in Srishti (creative) Khanda, Srishti Rasi,
Srishti Nakshatra, or if it conjoins with good planets or if it occupies Aries,
Leo or Sagittarius Navamsas, predit longevity to the questioner.
11. When Trisphuta falls in a particular nakshatra and along with a particular
event, predict death:
Nakshatras 1, 10, 19- a quarrel within three days.
Nakshatras 2, 11, 20- a poor old Brahmin turning up in three days.
Nakshatras 3, 12, 21- fear from fire or a huge conflagration.
Nakshatras 4, 13, 22- loss or destruction of vessels or clothes.
Nakshatras 5, 14, 23- sickness or wounds to any one in the family.
Nakshatras 6, 15, 24- a serpent seen anywhere in the house.
Nakshatras 7, 16, 25- a pious and noble Brahamin's visit.
Nakshatras 8, 17, 26- death of a quadruped.
Nakshatras 9, 18, 27- fall from a tree of a servant and putting out of the light
by a destructive fly or death news.


1. Always note the strength of the navamsa lagna. If it is subject to benefic
aspects, the querist derives favourable results. Malefic aspects cause
unfavourable results.
2. If the lords of the Arudha, the lagna, the Moon and the Sun, and the lords of
houses occupied by these four lords, are exalted in Navamsa or otherwise strong,
then the questioner will be fortunate and happy. If the above- mentioned lords
are weak, the condition of the questioner will not be good. If they are in
debilitation or inimical navamsas, then the condition of the querist will be
very unfortunate.
3. If the lord of the Arudha is weak and the 8th lord is strong, then the
questioner will be beset on all sides by danger. If the lords of Arudha and 9th
are strong and the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th are weak, then there will be
of all kinds of fortune.
4. If the lagna is in the vargas of waning Moon, Saturn, Mars and the Sun, there
will be death, disease, loss of money and other unfavorable results. If the
lagna is in the vargas of Mercury, there will be increase in knowledge and
intelligence. If the lagna is in the vargas of the waxing Moon, Jupiter and
Venus, there will be good health, influx of money, birth of children and
realization of ambitions.
5. If the lagna lord is exalted, the person will be wealthy and strong, will
have fame and good name and will overcome his enemies; if in Moolatrikona, one
will have plenty of clothes and ornaments and happiness; if own or friendly
house, one will live happily with money, wife and children and relations
overcoming his enemies and difficulties; if in inimical place, there will be
sickness, trouble from kings and thieves, fear from fire and calamities to wife
children and friends. If in debilitation, the person lives in a foreign place
being driven out by poverty, loss of position, etc. If in combustion or with
Gulika or malefic planets, the person lives maimed in a foreign place, through
the machinations of enemies or the orders of the rulers, or he will be dead.
6. If at the time of query, the lagna falls in the Hora of the Sun, the querist
would not enjoy happiness in childhood. Later by his own efforts he would get a
lift in life and become wealthy.
7. If the lagna falls in the Hora of the Moon, the querist would be happy in
childhood and face difficulties later in life.
8. If the lord of the Trimsamsa lagna is associated with a benefic the native
would enjoy happiness in every way.
9. If the lord of the Trimsamsa lagna is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the
native may earn the displeasure of the King.
10. If Arudha rasi or navamsa coincides with the exaltation rasi of the lord of
the week-day, then the querist will live long enjoying sound health.
11. If the Arudha rasi or navamsa falls in the debilitation rasi of the lord of
the week-day concerned, death will occur.
12. If Gandanthamsa happens to be in Arudha or Lagna, or the 8th from them,
aspected by malefics, then death will happen.
13. If the lord of the Trimsamsa lagna at the time of birth or query, is a
malefic planet, eclipsed or in its sign of debilitation, the native would have
misunderstanding with his relatives.


The matters to be judged from the first drekkana of the lagna of query to the
last drekkana of the 12th house are: (1) The king, (2) his commander-in-chief
(3) royal astrologer, (4) priest and doctor, servants (5) status and prowess,
(6) dealings and army (7) food (8) sleeping (9) sitting (10) vehicles (11) seat
and couch (12) eating and drinking (13) prince (14) counsel and strength (15),
(16), (17) and (18) enemy, (19) resting of the army (20) wealth (21) magistrate
imposing punishments on the guilty (22) troubles to the army (23) mutiny in the
army (24) commander-in-chief (25) health of the army (26) soldiers (27) four-fold strength (28) actions (29) treasury (30) fructification of results (31) meritorious deeds
(32) actions (33) wealth (34) soldiers (35) worship (36) end of travel.Good and bad results relating to these are to be foretold according to conjunction and aspect on the drekkanas of benefic and malefic planets.


1. If Chandra Navamsa Rasi is associated with good planets, a good period ahead
is indicated. If this Rasi is afflicted, then a bad future is going to set in.
2. Jupiter in Chandra navamsa rasi gives the birth of a son. Jupiter
debilitated, denotes quarrels with Brahmins.
3. Venus in Chandra navamsa rasi provides fresh clothes and happiness from
4. Mercury in Chandra navamsa rasi indicates success in litigation.
5. Afflicted Mercury in Chandra navamsa rasi will give rise to failure to
6. The full Moon in Chandra navamsa rasi gives beautiful things.
7. The weak Moon in Chandra navamsa rasi causes mental worry.
8. The Sun in Chandra navamsa rasi causes anger of rulers and gods.
9. Mars in Chandra navamsa rasi causes strife without reason, and litigation
connected with landed property.
10. Saturn in Chandra navamsa rasi brings about loss of produce in lands,
diseases to cattle, and sufferings to
11. Rahu in Chandra navamsa rasi causes fear from poison, serpents, and troubles
to inferior servants.
12. Ketu in Chandra navamsa rasi causes troubles from ghosts.
13. Gulika in Chandra navamsa rasi causes trouble in the shape of Abhichara.
These results will be experienced within the number of months indicated by the
number of Navamsas traversed by the Moon; or the number of navamsas counted from
Aries. The period can also be determined by the number of navamsas the lagna has


1. If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of the Sun, then a king or a distinguished
personage will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of the Moon, some woman will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Mars, some armed man will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Mercury, a flower-maker or a learned man
will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Jupiter, a Brahmin will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Venus, a dancing girl will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Saturn, a merchant, a servant or a
Buddhist monk will show up.
If lord of Kala Hora is in a kendra from Lagna, the results will be further
2. Strong planets disposed in quadrants or the eleventh house indicate that at
the time of the query there will be visitors, male or female, according to the
sex signified by the concerned planet, wearing clothes of the following colors:
the Sun red, the Moon- white, Mars- red, Mercury- green, Jupiter- yellow, Venus-
variegated, and Saturn-black.


1. If the lord of the Hora in which Ascendant falls at the time of query, is
associated with a malefic and a retrograde planet, the eyes and face of the
querist would not be good looking.
2. One would have an ugly face with deformed teeth, tongue, lips etc. if the Sun
and Moon together or the Moon separately is under the influence of two malefics.
3. If the lord of the Drekkana lagna is associated with a waning Moon and a
malefic, the body of the querist would be very hairy or they may suffer from ear
disease or back trouble.
4. Considering the movable, fixed or dual nature of the lagna and the navamsa
lagna, one has to infer the whereabouts of the questioner - whether he is at
home or in a far away place, etc. This can also be read from the rasi and
navamsa occupied by the lord of Arudha. If any contradiction is discovered
between the two, the stronger of the two should be considered.
5. If the lord of Arudha occupies the Rasi of a benefic planet, it is to be
inferred that the questioner lives in a beautiful house, palace or temple. If
the lord occupies the Rasi of a malefic planet, then the house will be situated
in the locality of mlechhas or the house will be unclean. According as the lord
is associated with benefics or malefics, the person will have company of good or
bad men.


1. The figure signified by the rasi occupied by the Lord of Drekkana in which
lagna falls at the time of query, would indicate the number of brothers the
querist would have. If this Drekkana lord is associated with or aspected by a
benefic, the brothers would be long-lived, otherwise their longevity would be
poor. The relationship between the sibling would depend on the nature of planet
or planets associated with the Drekkana lord.
2. If the Lord of Drekkana lagna is associated with male planets, the querist
would be having brothers, if the planets are female, sisters.
3. If the drekkana lagna falls in a male sign, brothers would be born after the
querent, if it falls in a female sign sisters would be born after the querent.
4. If the lord of lagna and the lord of the Drekkana lagna are friends, there
would be happiness in respect of siblings.
5. If the Lord of the Drekkana lagna is in the 6th or 8th house, from the lagna
lord brothers and sisters would suffer from injuries on account of their own


1. The querist would have the same good fortune and prosperity as his father, if
at birth or at the time of query, the lord of the Dwadasamsa lagna falls in the
lagna of the rasi.
2. If the lord of the Dwadasamsa lagna is in 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native
and his parents would not enjoy bodily happiness.
3. If the lord of the Dwadasamsa lagna is in 11th, the native would get and
enjoy the hidden wealth of his parents. It would not be so if in debilitation,
eclipsed or with a malefic.

1. The lords of the 8th, 12th and 6th from Arudha, planets in these houses,
planets in debilitation, in combustion, evil planets in the 2nd, angles and
trines houses, the lords of the house and navamsa occupied by Gulika, and the
lords of the 3rd, 5th and 7th nahskatras from Trisphuta nakshatra cause
2. Benefic planets occupying the 2nd, angles trines, and the lords of the 9th
and 11th cause invariably good results.
3. If the lord of the Trisphuta nakshatra is in the Vipat, Pratyak or Naidhana
stars; or occupies Arudha Rasi or evil houses; and if the lords of these Rasis
are debilitated, combust or in association with the lord of the sign occupied by
Gulika, the Dasa results will be unfavorable.

Calculate the Dasas from the Moon, Trisphuta and also Gulika. Consider which
would-be appropriate in regard to the question concerned. Prasna results are to
be told either for 1 year or for 1 month on the basis of the yearly or monthly


If the planet aspecting the 6th is the Sun, the seat of
disease is the belly.

If the planet aspecting the 6th is the Moon the seat of
disease is in the eyes

If the planet aspecting the 6th is Rahu, the root of disease
is venomous bites or poison.

From the rising nakshatra the parts of the body affected should be stated: ears.


Note the planet which aspects the Moon and the 6th house,
there will be recovery in the time of that planet. The Sun- Ayana, 6 months. If
there are several planets the period relating to the most powerful planet has to
be taken.

Note the planet which aspects the Moon and the 6th house,
there will be recovery in the time of that planet. Ketu- 3 months. If there are
several planets the period relating to the most powerful planet has to be taken.

The disease may have begun when the Moon transited the rasi occupied by the lord
of the 6th, Jupiter, and recovery will begin when the Moon enters the rasi
occupied by the lord of the 4th, Venus.

If the 6th lord occupies a movable rasi, recovery will be rapid.


1. The disease will have commenced when the lagna, lagna lord, or the Moon was
last afflicted by malefics. When benefics associate or aspect any one of them,
recovery will begin. When all the three get the association or aspect of good
planets, the person will completely recover.
2. When the Moon enters lagna rasi, navamsa, or dwadasamsa, or the Rasi occupied
by Gulika, the illness will subside.
3. If the sickness had begun in a nakshatra preceding Ashtama Rasi (8th rasi)
from the natal Moon, then relief will be obtained after the Moon moves through
the nakshatras of the Ashtama Rasi.
4. The occurrence of disease should be predicted from dustha (in bad houses,
6th, 8th 12th) planets and the recovery should be foretold from sustha (in good
houses, angles and trines) planets. When the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter transited
the sign occupied by the worst dustha planet, sickness might have commenced. The
disease is brought about by the dissatisfaction of the deity indicated by the
planet concerned. When however these three planets enter the rasi occupied by
the most favorable sushta planet, the symptoms of recovery can be seen. For
recovery the aid of the appropriate deities governed by the favorable planets
should be sought.
5. If the lord of the 6th has slow motion, recovery will be very slow. If his
speed is great, recovery will be rapid.


If the lord of the 6th or the planet occupying the 6th is a planet of diurnal
strength (Sun, Venus, Jupiter) then the sickness began during day-time.

1. Of Prana, Mrityu and Deha, if Deha is greater, the sickness of the man will
abate. If Prana is greater, sickness will increase. If Mrityu is greater, he
will die.
2. The above-mentioned effects can also be gleaned by a consideration of the
greater longitude of the Navamsas
of the Lagna, the Moon and Gulika. If the Lagna longitude is greater than
Chandra's longitude, the result is,
increase of sickness. If vice versa, there will be abatement of the disease.
If Mandyamsa which is Mrityu is
greater, then the result could be fatal.
3. If Mrityusphuta falls in Aslesha, Jyeshta or Revati, predict death.


1. The sickness will have commenced on the day ruled by the nakshatra (when the
Moon is in the nakshatra) arrived at by counting as many nakshatra from the
Moon's, as the Moon’s nakshatra is removed from the nakshatra of the Lagna.
2. Either in the nakshatras arrived by multiplying Mandi's longitude by 9 and 12
or in the nakshatra corresponding to the sum of the longitudes of the Moon and
Mandi, sickness might have commenced.
3. The sickness commenced as many months back as are signified by either:
1. The number of rasis passed by the lord of the 6th from the Arudha
2. The number of nakshatras from Prasna nakshatra to that held by the lord
of the 6th.
3. The number arrived at by multiplying 2 by the number of navamsas gained
by the lord of the 6th.
4. The number of the direction from which the messenger or the sick man put in
his first query to the astrologer, counted from the East, will
give the time in terms of yamas (1/8 day) when sickness began.
5. Sickness might have commenced when the most unfavorable planet amongst the
Moon, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn transited the rasi corresponding to the first
letter in the communication regarding the disease.


1. To answer a question pertaining to disease and its cure or otherwise,
consider the lagna as signifying the physician, the seventh disease, the tenth
ill person and the fourth medicine or treatment.
2. According as the expired portion of the sign occupied by the 6th lord is less
or more than half, the person's sickness will linger long or will be cured soon.
3. If Saturn is in the ninth house combined or aspected by malefics, and not
having conjunction and aspect of benefics, the ill person goes to a foreign
4. If there is friendship between the lords of the 1st and 10th houses, the
treatment being appropriate to the disease, the illness will be cured, (the
doctor and ill person will work together. Otherwise the disease aggravates.)
5. If on the 4th or 7th day prior to the query, the Sun and the Moon were
subject to benefic influences the ill person will recover.
6. If the lord of Lagna is weak or situated between malefics the sickness will
linger long.
7. If the Moon is weak the sickness will linger long.
8. At the time of query, if Indradhanus (Rainbow) or Pariveda (Halo) is found on
the sky, the ailment will not be cured but if benefics aspect the lagna from
exaltation, own or friendly houses recovery can be expected soon.
9. If the lagna is in the dwadasamsa of the Sun, the ill person dies.
10. If the lagna, the lagna lord, and the Moon are joined or hemmed by malefics,
while the Moon is waning in the 6th, 8th or 12th, and evil planets are in the
6th, 8th or 12th the sick person will not live.
11. The Sun governs fever, rise of temperature all over the body and brain fag.
The Moon rules dysentery. Mars indicates wounds and sores. Mercury denotes
diseases that make one unable to think or speak or see. Jupiter causes pain all
over the body and mental upsets. Venus causes swelling. Saturn governs
disability to stretch or to fold one's hands and legs. Rahu governs fall from an
elevated place. Ketu indicates wounds. If the sick man has the diseases
signified by the lord of Thrisphuta Navamsa or by the lord associated with
Thrisphuta, then predict death.
12. If a malefic is in the lagna or the 8th house and aspects the sign occupied
by Moon in the natal chart of the ill person they surely dies.
13. The direction towards which the sick man or messenger was found facing by
the astrologer indicates the place where the querist had his first attack of
14. The number of men found along with the sick man or messenger at the time of
query indicates the number of persons attending the sick man during his illness.
The nature of the people will also be similar.

1. The location of the disease can be known from the rasi of arudha or lagna.
2. The ailment is due to the planet influencing the Arudha.
2. There will be wounds or diseases in the body parts indicated by the rasis
aspected by or associated with malefics.
3. For purposes of Prasna, the allocation of organs to different houses
beginning from Lagna as done in Krishneeya should be followed. The expired and
unexpired portions of Lagna represent the right and left sides of the head, the
neck and navel. Two houses each beginning from Lagna - 1st in the invisible half
and the other in the visible half indicate the right and left sides respectively
of the other organs thus: the 2nd and 12th - ears, shoulders and sex organs; 3rd
and 11th - eyes, sides and testicles; 4th and 10th - nostrils, back and thighs;
5th and 9th- cheeks and knees; 6th and 8th - chin, stomach and legs; and the
unexpired and expired portions of the 7th - mouth, waist and feet.

If diseases begin in Jyeshta, Swati, Aslesha, Aridra, Purva Phalgun,
Poorvashadha or Poorvabhadra, recovery is impossible.

Dewavrat Buit
M.Sc.(Maths),Jyotisha Shastri,
Radionic Analyst
4A; Pranesh Appartments,
SA Road, Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur 440022
Ph. 917123295442


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