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Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Presnetly I am engaged in teaching the Vedanga Jyotish at BA and MA level at Courses conducted by Kavi Kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. I have learnt the basics of jyotish under the guidance of HoraBhushan Shri V.V.Divekar of Nagpur. I am a disciple of Pandit Shri Sanjay Rath of Puri (Orissa) and is learning advance Jyotish in his guidance. My main interests in Jyotish are Prenatal Jyotish (Adhan Kundali), Chakras in Jyotish, Astrometeorology, Studies in Rainfall, Astrological applications in Finance, Shares, Commodites prices, Jaimini Astrology etc. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LEARNING SYSTEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIME IN INDIA. ONE IS DIRECT, IN WHICH GURUKUL PARAMPARA IS A WELL KNOWN SYSYTEM, WHERE THE GURU TEACHES HIS SHISHYA DIRECTLY. THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM WHICH IS INDIRECT AND IS FAMOUS AS EKALAVYA SYSTEM. THIS CAN BE COMPARED WIH THE PRESENT AGE DISTANT LEARNING SYSTEMS. THIS BLOG WILL BE USEFUL TO ALL THOSE VEDANGA JYOTISH SYUDENTS WHO WANTS TO STUDY JYOTISH BUT CANNOT GO TO A GURU AND LEARN DIRECTLY.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Prasna III


Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few Prasna
Masters these days, my Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath is one of them who has learnt the
prasna techniques in his traditon of shri Acyta dasa. I am not going
into the very basic ideas of the calculations such as Chhatra rasi, Trisphuta,
Chautasphuta etc. I am concentrating on some of the rare principles of
Prasna. It may be possible that it will be a repeatation for
scholars in Prasna.

Chora Prasna

1. In regard to questions bearing on lost or stolen wealth, 7th signifies the
thief, the 4th signifies the property and the lagna and the Moon signify the
person who has lost the money.
2. In a query about lost articles, the ornaments relating to the part of the
body may be found out from the rising asterism, and if found recoverable the
time of recovery has to be found out from the relevant planets.
3. From the planets aspecting or occupying Aruda Lagna the stolen articles and
1. The kind of substance stolen is indicated by the navamsa rising.
2. If any planet aspects the Moon, the color of the stolen article will be of
that a planet's color.
3. The color of Arudha rasi reveals the color of the stolen thing. Aries is red,
Taurus is white, Gemini is green, Cancer is pale red, Leo is smoky white. Virgo
governs variegated colors, Libra- white color, Scorpio and Aquarius- black or
dark color, Sagittarius- golden color, Capricorn- pinjala color and Pisces- sky-
4. One has to examine panapharas for the query about theft and apoklimas for the
query about hidden things.
5. There are two types of thieves, viz., (a) abhyanthara (b) bahya. The 3rd
house denotes the former while the 6th governs the latter. If the lord of one
of these combines with or is aspected by the lord of the 2nd, or if a chora
planet occupies the 11th, it can be said that the missing wealth has been
stolen. If the lord of chora houses are not connected with the lord of the 2nd
or the 11th, then the missing wealth has not been stolen but is only misplaced.
6. Though several points have been mentioned in this chapter about theft, find
out which planet is very strong and its colour, stature, caste, sex, number
based on rays, etc. may have to be taken for the identification of the lost
article and the thief. It has also to be ascertained from this whether recovery
is possible or not and if found recoverable such planet's year, month or day
etc., have to be taken as the period for recovery.
7. When there is no mutual aspect between the lords of the lagna and the 2nd,
the querent will get news about lost property, but he will not recover it.
8. The time of theft, the direction, and the place to which the property has
been taken should be determined from the lagna. (From the lagna, the direction,
place and the time of theft are to be judged.)
9. The property will be recovered if the Moon occupying the lagna or the 10th is
in a benefic Ithasala. If such a Moon has a friendly aspect from the Sun or a
benefic planet, then also the property will be gotten back.
10. If Mars is placed in the 8th house in the navamsas of Leo, Scorpio, or
Auqarius, the lost article will not be gotten back.


If Venus occupies or aspects the 4th from the lagna, Arudha, or Chattira the
lost article is silver and will be recovered.

If Saturn occupies the 7th from the lagna, Arudha, or Chattira the lost article
is iron and will not be lost.

If a movable rasi is lagna, Chattira or Aruda the lost article will not be

If benefics are in trines the lost article will be recovered.

If the 7th from lagna or Aruda is Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius, or Aquarius the
lost article will be recovered without damage.

If malefics occupy the 3rd house from lagna or Aruda and if they are aspected
by other malefics the lost thing will be recovered.


If the 7th from lagna or Aruda is Aries, Virgo or Capricorn, the lost article
will not be recovered.

When Mars is in the 7th or 8th, the lost wealth will not be secured by the
querent as it will be in the protection of another person.

If a movable rasi rises, the article has gone elsewhere.

If the lagna is moveable, the wealth is passing from hand to hand.

If Cancer or Scorpio rises the article is in the house.

If the middle decanate is rising, the stolen property is somewhere in the middle
portion of the house, or inside the premsises.

If Mars is in the lagna the stolen article will be on the front pail.

If the Sun, Mars or Mercury aspect the Moon, then the stolen
wealth is buried underground.

From the nakshatra rising one can locate the place:Pushyami- house.


The thief is in the place of theft if the lord of the 7th is in a quadrant.


A fixed rasi, a fixed navamsa, or a vargottama navamsa rising indicates that the
article was stolen by a person known to the querist and that it is in the same
place/ thief is one amongst the household.

A fixed rasi, a fixed navamsa, or a vargottama navamsa rising indicates that the
article was stolen by a person known to the querist and that it is in the same
place/ thief is one amongst the household.

If there is a movable rasi or navamsa rising the thief is an outsider.

If the lord of 7th is in its own or exaltation rasi, the thief would be an
expert one, or a well-known person.


If the lagna falls in a moveable rasi, the name of the thief would be made up of
two letters.


1. All vowels are governed by the Sun; the Moon rules ya ra la va; Mars-
kavarga, Venus- chavarga; Mercury- tavarga; Jupiter- thavarga; Saturn- pavarga;
and Rahu the remaining letters. The signs govern the letters in accordance wuth
thier lord. From this the name of the thief can be determined.
2. Arudha, the lord of Arudha, the rasi occupied by the lord and the Navamsa of
the lord of Arudha, should be considered. The letter indicated by the strongest
will be the first letter of the thief's name. The lord that aspects or joins the
6th, the lord of the 6th, the Navamsa rasi of the lord of the 6th, the 6th house
Rasi, the letters of these may also be the initial letter in the name of the
3. Calculate the longitude of Gulika. The quotient obtained by dividing the
unexpired vighatikas in the Navamsa of Gulika by 100 indicates the planet. If
it is one, it is the Sun; if two, the Moon and so on. The rasi governed by the
planet so got indicates the first letter in the name of the thief. The quotient,
obtained by dividing the unexpired portion of Gulika Navamsa by 75, gives the
expired rasis- the letter indicated by the next rasi is the first letter in the
name of the thief.


1. When the Moon transits the nakshatra of the lagna the lost thing can be
2. Find out the navamsa rasi occupied by the Moon. When the lord of this navamsa
transits the lagna the article will be recovered.



Aries and its quadrants represent Dhatu and Karma.
Taurus and its quadrants represent Moola and Bhoga.
Gemini and its quadrants represent Jeeva and Nasa.
Navamsa Rasis also signify Dhatu and Moola as above.

Nakshatras from Asvini onwards represent in groups of three respectively Dhatu
and Karma, Moola and Bhoga and Jeeva and Nasa.

Of the planets, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu signify Dhatu; the Sun and
Venus, Moola; and Mercury and Jupiter, Jeeva.

A rasi is divided into three parts. The first Drekkana is Karma; the second,
Bhoga and the third is Nasa.

Hence the first part of Aries is Karma Dhatu, the 2nd part Bhoga Dhatu and the
3rd part Nasa Dhatu. The first part of Taurus is Karma Moola, 2nd partis Bhoga
Moola, 3rd part is Nasa Moola. The first part of Gemini is Karma Jeeva, 2nd part
Bhoga Jeeva, 3rd part Nasa Jeeva. Etc.

With regard to odd Navamsa, Cara Rasi amsas are Dhatu, Sthira Rasi amsas are
Moola and Ubhaya Rasi amsas are Jeeva. In regard to even Navamsas, the reverse
holds good, viz., Chara Jeeva, Sthira-Moola and Ubhaya- Nasa Dhatus.

If Arudha Lagna, Navamsa, the planet that occupies Arudha and the Arudha
Nakshatra, happen to be Dhatu, then the stolen wealth is iron, stone, copper,
earth, bronze, gold, silver, lead- minerals as such. If in the Dhatu Rasi, the
Navamsa, the asterism and the conjoined planet signify Moola, the stolen article
is made of roots or treasure. If in the Dhatu Rasi, the Navamsa, the asterism
and the joining planet are Jeeva, then images and idols made of metals are the
stolen articles.

If all the factors involved signify the Moola, it indicates vegetables, sprouts
and fruits. If the Rasi signifies Moola and the rest of the factors signify
Dhatu, it is jaggery, dry fuel, clothes and all burnt things. If the Rasi is
Moola and the other factors are Jeeva, then images made of wood and animals
living in the holes of trees, parrots, nests, cowshed, etc., are indicated.

If the rasi and the other factors are Jeeva it indicates elephants and other
animals, governess who take care of children, pregnant women, shepherds, etc. If
the Rasi is jeeva and the remaining factors are Dhatu, things indicated are
half-burnt things, corpses and bones. If the Rasi if Jeeva and the others
signify Moola, the things indicated are claws of tigers, skins, hair of animals,
tusk of an elephant, horns and woolen blankets.


The lost articles should be ascertained on the basis of Arudha and Navamsa:
Aries governs Dhatus like gold, coins (pana), silver, copper, lead lamps and
vessels and iron.
Taurus governs Moola like clothes, trousers, hats, hard dress, sandal, all
things made of cotton, beds, pillows, etc.
Gemini has governance over Jeevas like snakes and bears, wild flies and bees,
rats, wild cats, etc.
Cancer governs Dhatus like pick ax, swords and other weapons.
Leo governs Moolas like roots, rice plants, chunna, betel leaf, blackgram,
littlegram, plantains, jack fruits and mangoes.
Virgo governs Jeeva like all flesh used by women while eating.
Libra rules Dhatu like butter milk, milk, curd, skins, blankets.
Scorpio governs Moola like family of fruits and roots, poisonous planets,
pepper, liquor and opium, etc.
The first half of Sagittarius indicates human vargas and the 2nd half elephants,
horses, snakes and cocks.
Capricorn is similar to Cancer.
Aquarius is similar to Leo.
Pisces has all those things given for Gemini as well as serpents and fishes.


All signs can be divided into four parts, Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva and Mrita.
The first Drekkana of every rasi is Dhatu, the 2nd is Moola and the third is
Jeeva. This is the view of Madhavacharya.
If a planet is placed in the Dhatu portion of a Nara Rasi, bangles, chains,
swords, small bells and such things useful to men are signified. Planets
occupying the Dhatu portion in a watery rasi denote water pots and cooking


For the time of query, the longitudes of the Moon and Gulika are to be
calculated and the stronger of the two is treated as Arudha. From it, the
nature of the wealth lost as Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva, etc. should be ascertained.


1. The Rasmis or rays contributed by the different planets are respectively: the
Sun 30, the Moon 28, Mars 8, Mercury 6, Jupiter 9, Venus 7, Saturn 3, and Rahu
and Ketu 2 each. The Rasmis of the planets joining or aspecting the lagna
indicate the number of articles lost in theft.
2. Find the number of planets aspecting Aruda Lagna and Chattira Rasi, so many
numbers, or as many as the number of rays of these planets, and if the lord of
the rasi aspects it, that planet's number of rays, or if a very powerful planet
aspects, its rays; all these should be added together and the number of lost
articles determined according to the strength of the planet and rasi.
3. To determined the number of articles lost: Out of the 12 signs find out which
is aspected by the most powerful planet and take the rays of that planet. If
this rasi is movable keep the same number, if fixed double the numbers of rays
and if dual treble the number.
4. The number of stolen articles is to be determined as follows: The rasi that
has revealed the stolen articles is to be considered and the number should be
ascertained: If it is Aries 7, Taurus 5, Gemini 12, Cancer 6, Leo 8, Virgo 6,
Libra 7, Scorpio 7, Sagittarius 13, Capricorn 10, Aquarius 6, and Pisces 15.


1. The direction to which the stolen property has been taken is indicated by
planets in the angles. In case there are no planets there, then through the
direction of the rasi indicated by the lagna.
2.If the Moon is in the lagna, the stolen article is gotten in the direction
indicated by the rasi on the lagna, and if the Sun is in the direction it is got
in the direction of the lagna.
3. Note the planet aspecting the Aruda Lagna and Chattira Rasi, the lost article
will be in the direction attributed to such planet.
4. Count the number of signs from lagna to Taurus and count the same number from
Taurus. Find the direction occupied by the lord of the resultant rasi at that
time. The lost article will be in that direction.
5. If the lagna is strong, the stolen wealth is in the direction signified by
6. If the lagna is not strong, the direction is to be ascertained from the
planet aspecting the lagna.
7. The stolen property is in the direction signified by Arudha. If there is a
planet in Arudha, that can be taken into consideration.
8. The direction of the place where the stolen property has been kept would be
signified by the position of Moon i.e. if Moon be in lagna it would be east; if
in 10th it would be south; if in 7th it would be west and if in 4th it would be
9. If "which direction is the lost property to be secured" is the question, say
that it is in the east, south, west or north according as the Moon occupies the
lagna, the 10th, the 7th or the 4th house. When the Moon is not in a Kendra the
direction is signified by his position from the nearest quadrant, the reckoning
commencing from the lagna as east and every 45 degrees there from representing a
cardinal point in the order of east, south-east, south-west, north, north-west
and north-east; or the direction is signified by the nature of the rising rasi.
10. Find the number of signs traversed from the rasi occupied by the Sun at Sun-
rise to the required time at the rate of one hour per rasi. Count the same
number from Vrishaba. This is another Aruda Rasi. If a planet occupies this rasi
find out in what direction he is in the Yama Chart at that time. The lost
article will be in this direction. If there is no planet in the Aruda Rasi, find
out the direction occupied by the lord of this rasi for this purpose.


1. The distance to the lost or stolen article is to be told from the number of
navamsas elapsed.
2. The distance to which the stolen property has been taken will be as many
Yojanas as the rising navamsa is removed from the first navamsa or the middle
navamsa of the Lagna.


1. If Jupiter aspects or joins the lagna, the stolen article will be in
cowsheds, home of preceptors, temples, houses of chaste women. Venus indicates
the sleeping room, gardens, water tanks, houses of beautiful damsels; places
where garlands, flowers, ointment are kept safe.
Mars governs kitchen and houses of carpenters. The Sun signifies houses of
quarreling women, houses of beautiful women in the prime of their youth, watery
spots. Divide the Rasi where Jupiter stands into 4 parts of 7 1/2 degrees each.
If the planet occupies the first part, say, it is a cow shed; the 2nd part, home
of preceptors; the third part, temples and the fourth part, houses of chaste
women. The Moon denotes the house of the dancing girl, watery places,
neighborhood of lakes or seas. Mercury governs houses of young and youthful
women, houses of strong women, houses of beautiful damsels. Saturn governs
houses of old ladies, places where broken vessels are thrown away, places where
vessels in which flesh is cooked, washed or kept; muddy and airy and marshy
spots. The exact spot can be identified by dividing the Lagna as per the method
suggested in Krishneeya.
2. The country from the 5th navamsa in the lagna.
3. The place, where the stolen article is kept, will be appropriate to the
nature of the rasi in the fourth house-earthy, fiery, airy or watery. The nature
of the planet owning or occupying the 4th should also be considered. If the
planet is Saturn-a dirty place; the Moon-watery place; Jupiter-temples; Mars-
near fire; the Sun-the principal seat of the owner in his house; Venus-bed;
Mercury-place where food is served or library or money is kept.
4. If the planet involved occupies his own rasi or Navamsa, then the wealth has
not been stolen, it is still there. If the planet occupies the rasi or Navamsa
of a foe, then the wealth is in the house of his foes. If a planet occupies a
friendly rasi or Navamsa, the stolen wealth is in the possession of friends or
relations. If the planet is exalted or in exalted Navamsa, then it is in the
hands of a rich man. If it is debilitated or in debilitated Navamsa, it is in
the hands of a low-born man. The details can be read from Arudha and Navamsa
5. If the Moon is not aspected or associated by any planet, then the lost
article will be kept in a vessel made to Dhatu, Moola or Jeeva as indicated by
the Arudha rasi.
6. For the time of query, the longitudes of the Moon and Gulika are to be
calculated and the stronger of the two should be treated as Arudha. The rasi
occupied by the lord of the 2nd from Arudha indicates the place where the stolen
wealth is hidden. According as this lord occupies a moveable, or a fixed or a
common rasi, the stolen wealth is far off, is near, is midway.


1. The description, and form of the thief is indicated by the drekkana rising;
the age and caste of the thief is indicated by the lagna lord.
2. The caste, color, qualities and form of the thief if will correspond to the
nature of the strongest planet placed in the 7th house.
3. If an odd rasi is in the 7th under the aspect of a male planet, the thief is
a male otherwise a female.
4. If the lord of the 7th is a feminine planet or is in a feminine rasi or is
joined with or aspected by feminine planets, the thief is a female if contrary,
the thief is a male.
5. If the weak Moon is placed in the 12th house, the thief's left eye will be
blind and if the weak Sun is placed in the 12th house, his right eye will be
6. If any planet aspects the Moon, the thief will be of the appearance of such a
7. The thief will have been assisted by a person signified by the strongest of
planets occupying the lagna, the 7th or the 10th.
8. By carefully studying the Navamsa dispositions of the lagna lord, ascertain
the age, size, caste, etc., of the thief. If a masculine planet aspects a
masculine rasi the thief is a male, while a feminine planet aspecting a feminine
rasi will indicate the thief as a female. If an odd rasi rises with a masculine
planet in it the thief is a male and is an even rasi rises with a feminine
planet in it, the thief is a female. Thus one has to find out from the lagna and
9. The size and shape of the thief will be similar to Lagna Drekkana, and the
lord of Lagna will show his build, color, dress and vesha (appearance). Here
also the strongest should be taken into consideration.
10. The appearance and caste of the thief will be exactly similar to that of the
lord of the lagna.
11. According to Madhava, the 6th house is to be considered to identify the
thief. The planet that occupies the 6th house or the lord of the 6th reveals
the caste, name and appearance of the thief.
12. The thief's appearance will correspond to the rising Drekkana if the lagna
is strong. If it is weak, it will correspond to the shape of the planet
occupying the 7th, or the strongest of the planets disposed in quadrants
describe the appearance of the thief. If there are many planets there will be
many thieves and the nature of the thieves should be ascertained from the planet
in retrogression.
13. Similarly if the planet signifying the thief (the lagna lord) is in its own
vargas, the questioner will be the thief; in the vargas of the 2nd lord, family
members; in those of the third lord, brothers; of the fourth lord, mother; of
the 5th lord, children, etc. If such a planet is in the 6th or 8th, the thief
will be an enemy.
14. The habitation of Jupiter and Mercury is in villages; the Moon and Venus in
watery places; the Sun, Mars and Saturn in forest regions; Virgo, Libra and
Sagittarius in cities; Gemini, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus in villages; Leo and
Capricorn (first half) in forests; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and the latter
part of Capricorn in water. The birthplace of the thief will be in accordance
with the habitation of the planet ruling the thief.
15. Examine the habitation of Thief planet and settle the birthplace of the
thief. The residence of the thief should be ascertained from the rasi occupied
by the thief planet. If the habitation and residence of the planet happen to be
the same, then he is living in the place of his birth.
16. The first Drekkana indicates 'standing', the 2nd Drekkana indicates 'lying
down' and the third indicates 'sitting'. Thieves also can be considered to be in
this stage. 'Human Drekkanas' denote the most distinguished amongst the thieves.
Monkey-face, horse-face, dog' face, pig's face, serpent - these Drekkanas
indicate very bad persons amongst thieves.
17. The shape of the thief, his dress and weapons are all to be determined from
the nature of the 36 Drekkanas as detailed in Brihat Jataka.
18. The location of the house of the thief is indicated by the rasi occupied by
the lord of the 6th.
19. According as the significator happens to be Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars,
Saturn or the Sun, the thief will respectively be a youth, a boy, a middle-aged
person, a young person, an old man and a very old person.

Dewavrat Buit
M.Sc.(Maths), Jyotisha Shastri,
Radionic Analyst,
4A; Pranesh Appartments,
SA Road, Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur 440022
Ph. 917123295442


Blogger Unknown said...

after reading your post, i somewhere think that science and jyotish is somewhere related, can u tell me who is the best tantrik in Chandigarh

5:57 AM  

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