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Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Presnetly I am engaged in teaching the Vedanga Jyotish at BA and MA level at Courses conducted by Kavi Kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. I have learnt the basics of jyotish under the guidance of HoraBhushan Shri V.V.Divekar of Nagpur. I am a disciple of Pandit Shri Sanjay Rath of Puri (Orissa) and is learning advance Jyotish in his guidance. My main interests in Jyotish are Prenatal Jyotish (Adhan Kundali), Chakras in Jyotish, Astrometeorology, Studies in Rainfall, Astrological applications in Finance, Shares, Commodites prices, Jaimini Astrology etc. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LEARNING SYSTEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIME IN INDIA. ONE IS DIRECT, IN WHICH GURUKUL PARAMPARA IS A WELL KNOWN SYSYTEM, WHERE THE GURU TEACHES HIS SHISHYA DIRECTLY. THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM WHICH IS INDIRECT AND IS FAMOUS AS EKALAVYA SYSTEM. THIS CAN BE COMPARED WIH THE PRESENT AGE DISTANT LEARNING SYSTEMS. THIS BLOG WILL BE USEFUL TO ALL THOSE VEDANGA JYOTISH SYUDENTS WHO WANTS TO STUDY JYOTISH BUT CANNOT GO TO A GURU AND LEARN DIRECTLY.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Astrology and Ayurveda

“The basics of ayurveda are used in medical astrology. Those basic points which are essential to learn the Arigya Jatak are discussed below”

The object of this branch of science is to diagnose and cure the sick and protect those who are already healthy.
The theoretical physics in ayurvedic treatise explains the origin of the man and the universe and their relation to each other. According to that science, the unmanifested ground “Prakriti” is the progenitor of all creation and the formation of living and non-living physical system of matter. The ayurvedists declare that matter constitutes everything in the universe and the five bhutas Prithvi, Apu, Tej, Vayu and Akasha are the five modes of existence of matter. And the origin of the three fundamental qualities (vata, pitta and kapha) of matter, is in the five modes of existence of matter. So according to them the three physical qualities kapha, vata and pitta of matter interpenetrate one another and by their mutual interplay give rise to physical, physiological and biological changes. Thus, the tridhatu-tridosh theory accepts the equilibrium, order or stability of the three physical qualities- Dhatawas-vata, pitta, kapha, in matter as the cause of its equilibrium, order or health and their abnormality or disorder causes disease.
Before discussing this aspect of the theory in full and applying that reasoning to matter in living or non-loving physical systems it would be advisable to know what exactly the ayurvedists mean by the three qualities vata, pitta and kapha and the five modes of existence Prithvi, Apu, Tej, Vayu and Akasha in their relation to physics, physiology, pathology, therapeutics and material medica of ayurveda.
The word bhuta is derived from the root bhu sattyam meaning that whose existence is already there. The word is used in this connection by Vagbhatta for bhuta as a mode of existence of matter.
Robert Boyle who overthrew the Aristotelian theory of matter composed of earth, water, air and fire, holding the field for a considerable time defined in his book “Sceptical Chemist” elements as things which cannot be decomposed further.
So the word element as used by Robert Boyle and accepted by modern scientists cannot be a correct translation of the word bhuta used by ayurvedists. Bhuta (Bhu Sattyam) means mode of existence of matter a quality of matter and not the constituent, a composition of mater as is implied by the term element. So the five bhutas Prithvi, Apu, Tej, Vayu and Akasha are the physical qualities and not the chemical constituents of matter- the elements or component parts of matter.
The three Dhatawas vata, pitta, kapha denote the three physical qualities of matter and not the three chemical substances wind, bile and mucus.
The word vata is derived from the root va meaning motion or indicative of motion. The word pitta has its root in tapa meaning agitation, excitation, energy, and the word kapha or sleshma means clasp, attraction, embrace, gravitation .
Sushruta has clearly stated that Chakrapani the famous commentator of the ayurvedic treatise clarifies that Merely he indicates that one has to understand the inherent meaning of the three words vata, pitta and kapha as agility, motivity and gravity respectively.
Agility, motivity and gravity are the three physical qualities-motion, energy and inertia.
That the terms vata, pitta and kapha cannot be the three chemical substances wind, bile and mucus get support from the quotation in Vriksha ayurveda.
And from the application of these terms to cosmic phenomenon.
It is thus the peculiarity of ayurvedic vocabulary or technical terminology that the three terms vata, pitta and kapha occurring in their physiology, pathology, therapeutics and material medica and in the theory of evolution of planet-ayurveda and cosmic knowledge are indicative of the quality sense of those words and their roots.
Thus the tridosh-tridhatu theory of ayurveda explains the working of the three qualities-slish (clasp, embrace, attraction, gravitation and inertia), tapa (agitation, motivity, heat and energy) and va (motion) inherent in the three words sleshma, pitta and vata.
In the case of a living cell of a plant or animal origin these three physical qualities sustain it; that is keep the cell healthy and nay differentiation or disequilibrium or disorder in the work of these three physical qualities causes disease or disorder.
Further on the ayurvedic physics declares matter- Dravyam-having five modes of existence or bhutas are Prithvi, Apu, Tej, Vayu and Akasha.
The Sanskrit synonyms for the bhuta- Prithvi are having the qualities solidarity, stability, massivity, density and gravity, etc. This quality gives the structural foundation for the matter. The two bhutas Prithvi and Apu posses the quality of matter sleshma (gravity, attraction, clasp) and therefore these bhutas are nothing but the gravitational fields of the modern physics which create the quality inertia and the physical quantities of mass and weight.
The Siddhanta Siromani has described this gravitational quality of matter in the bhuta.

The English rendering of it is that the Mahi-Prithvi- the physical structure possesses power of attraction which produces in its surrounding a field of gravitation.
The Aristotelian passivity of matter or the Newtonean inertia of matter is indicated by the word slish meaning clasp-attraction.
Till the present day the definition of matter as given in the text-books on physics was that “matter is passive, inert and possesses mass and occupies space”. According to the ayurvedists inertia is not the only quality of matter. It has also other qualities pitta (mechanical energy, heat energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, light energy, living force, and so on) and vata (motion).
According to the modern physics, it is the energy (pitta) which makes the matter to exist into three states- solid, liquid and gaseous. So, the bhuta agni (heat energy) cannot be the elemental constituent of matter as propounded by Aristotle and accepted by some unstudious minds. It is the mode of existence of matter (Hkwr-bhuta), a physical quality of matter.
The third quality of matter va-motion operates if there is space to extend. The word space is derived from the latin word spateo meaning drawn out or extended. The word akash is derived from the root ka-shru meaning it is the space where light waves move. These are the electro-magnetic fields of modern physics and the universe of light of Sir William Bragg, the famous physicist.
Thus, in the tridhatu theory of vata, pitta and kapha, ayurveda accepts va-motion, tapa-energy and slesh-attraction inertia as the three main physical qualities of matter which makes the matter exist in various modes. For the quality of motion va-vat, there must be a space of extension-Akasha and for the quality of inertia-slesh, there must be a field of attraction-Prithvi.
So, according to ayurvedic physics any physical system of matter-living or non-living, remains in that state if the three physical qualities are in equilibrium. The word dhatu is derived from the root dha meaning that which maintains or sustains, and that is why the three Dhatwas kapha, vata, pitta or inertia, motion and energy are essential to keep a system in equilibrium, in order or in health. The disequilibrium of kapha, pitta and vata by an increase or decrease of one or more of them manifests itself in varieties of disorder or diseases.
It took years of theoretical reasoning and practical experimentation for the present day physics to discard that matter consists of only absolutely discontinuous parts which are inert. In the earlier days of its development it accepted that mass (inertia) and energy, were distinct from one another in being mutually inconvertible.
The Euclidean geometry and Newtonean mechanics failed to explain the behaviour of matter in motion. Boyle and Newton had supernatural explanation of matters’ activity or being in motion. They treated matter and energy as two distinct entities. They never thought of energy as quality of matter till the presentation by Einstein of his theory of relativity.
According to modern physics matter is that which occupies space and has weight. It is inert as well as self-motivated and generally exists in three states solid, liquid and gaseous and has four modes of existence, extension, motion, motivity and inertia.
We know that it is the heat energy that changes a solid to a liquid and thence to a gaseous state. Ordinarily in a sold state the molecules are adhered, clinged or clasped . In liquids there is molecular embrace or clasp but there is no definite shape. It takes the shape of the container. In solid and liquid states there are boundary surfaces or structures . These are the spheres of attraction, the gravitational fields where the molecules are attached towards each other or clung together. These are the bhutas Prithvi and Apu.
In the case of a gas, the molecules are further torn apart by energy the molecules are activated by the heat energy and those occupy space, because there is extension . So matter in a solid, liquid and gaseous state, is governed by the three physical qualities inertia , energy and motion .
Any state of matter is governed by the three qualities inertia, energy and motion, and its state depends upon the equilibrium of these three qualities. Any inbalance of the three qualities crates disorder in that state. Any particular crystal structure remains that structure till one of three or all the qualities are not disturbed. The moment the energy quality is made to get an upper hand, the inertia quality gets disordered and the molecules get apart. The crystal structure or the solid state is changed. That is the health or the order of the crystal is disturbed. The crystal gets converted into a liquid. So the energy which was a dhatu in the solid state became vitiated or turned into a dosha and got the solid state converted into a liquid state. Similarly if the motion also gets an upper hand and if there is space the molecules of the liquid get further torn apart and a gaseous state is formed.
Thus the physical qualities which are normally dhatwas in any state of matter become doshas and destroy that particular state of matter.
This reasoning could be applied satisfactorily to matter in a living state. A living cell is a mixture of colloidal slime of varying degree or fluidity. The actual living substance when freed from food matter and stored chemical products is a translucent gel or slime.
Ultra-microscope reveals that the translucent material to be composed of optically homogenous substances in which are embedded a multitude of minute particles. These particles are in a Brownian movement (va-motion). The gel structure indicates the kaphic constitution (agglomeration-molecular aggregate clinging) and the electric charge on the colloidal slime indicates the paittic constitution.
Thus the living cell also shows that the three qualities vata, pitta, and kapha (motion, energy and inertia) play their part in the maintenance of the cell. Any disorder in the qualities destroys the cellular structure and makes the cell diseased.
Many an allopathic physician doubt the efficacy of ayurvedic bhasmas as they view those as chemical compounds used for killing a germ or filling in the chemical deficiency. But if we view the remedy as a physical one and not a chemical one, the doubt may disappear.
Modern physicists are making an attempt of formulating quantitative relations of extension (akash), motion (vat), motivity (pitta) and inertia (kapha) to grasp the general laws of behaviour and development of living as well as non-living physical systems, and the theoretical biology has been discovering the cause of order and disorder, the stability and instability, the growth and decay of living organisms.
And so there should be nothing ridiculous when the ayurvedists in their theory of evolution and tridhatu apply the physical qualities of matter to explain and thereby unify all the functions of the living organisms and classify the metabolic processes in the three groups of the physiological properties of matter and make a comprehensive utility in linking physics, physiology, pathology, therapeutics and material medica and thus introduce a medical science to solve this riddle of life and death and the problems pertaining to the living matter.
It is the duty of every rationally minded researcher to give a deep thought to all the reasonings expounded by the ancient Hindu seer in various fields of knowledge.

Compilation by Dewavrat Buit
for MA students old course.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Commercial Horoscopes

Commercial Horoscopes

FOR commercial purposes, horoscopes are cast for the time of the Financial Lunar Year Year (KartikPratipada).For short range predictions maps are erected for the lunation time.
These maps of heaven cast for particular purposes satisfy the same conditions only. For speculative purposes these may not prove to be of an efficacious value or warrant judicious advice for a purchase or a sale, unless a consultation has been made with the horoscope of a particular company or a share.
For Shares Market, one horoscope is drawn for the time when the market came into existence or got its birth as it were or in other words for the time of its legal registration. The second map, the more important of the two, and of greater value, is that of a particular share or a company. If exact times are unknown, it is advisable to take 12 Noon local time of the place on that day and prepare the map accordingly.
In case of commodities, horoscopes for the registration time of their Associations or Chambers or Exchanges and for the birth of a new settlement (Vaida) when the forward transactions have been first effected in the trading ring are of the utmost significance.

Let us consider the significance of each of the twelve houses represented by twelve zodiacal signs in a company’s horoscope.

First House - It represents Company’s constitution, the nature of its industry and enterprise, individuality, rank and dignity. It is thus of primary importance.
Second House - The condition of its finance, its future prospects, improvement, resources at its command, accumulated funds.
Third House - Enterprising spirit, bold schemes, courageous expansion.
Fourth House - Its strength and power, the internal condition of administration.
Fifth House - The movements of price, speculative activities, its ability and skill in manipulating the prices. This is also an important house.
Sixth House - State of employees, their efficiency, liabilities.
Seventh House - Relations with the public, speculation.
Eight House - Loans, advances and credits, internal monetary conditions.
Ninth House - Legal matters, plans for expansion.
Tenth House - Reputation and credit of the superior heads or administrative authorities, success or failure of the plans, managerial dexterity.
Eleventh House - Internal policy, profit or loss.
Twelfth House - Secret enemies, plots, expenditure, unforeseen disaster.

In judging commercial horoscopes, the standard principles for determining the strength of planets and houses and their effects as expounded in natal astrology may equally be applied here with advantage and resultant successes. In addition the following rules may prove of value :

1. The most sensitive points in a horoscope are the ascendant, M.C., the Sun, the Moon and Arudha. The importance of the Asc. and M.C. has already been noted.
2. The Sun, the source of light and heat, representing kings, royalties, and high authorities has a governance over individuality, rank representing kings, royalties and high authority and dignity of a company and hence it is essential that he should be harmoniously placed in the chart.
3. The Moon or the Luna representing personality rules over the multitude and the masses in general and shows the relation of the public to the company. Hence it can be invariably concluded that a good aspect existing between the luminaries is not only preferable but essential for the growth and welfare of the company.
4. Benefic planets transiting these sensitive points or degrees bring good luck, expansion and better prospects and consequently higher rates are observed, and more so if the luminaries are strong by signs, placements or aspects gained from other planets.
5. Malefics transiting the same produce evil, loss of markets, curtailment of profit, unforeseen disaster and specially if these are placed badly in the chart. Movement of prices swings obviously to the depression side. Saturn, Kethu and Uranus are most malefic by nature.
6. Benefic planets like Jupiter, a planet of plenty and expansion or malefic planets like Saturn, a planet of dearth, deficiency and destruction, coming in sextile or trine with these important points or with the lords of Asc. or M.C. create healthy effects on the markets and the public rejoice at advancing rates.
7. Conversely, when the said planets square, or oppose the said points or the lords of first and tenth houses, the prices recede.
8. Watch carefully the transit of the lord of Asc., and the aspects he receives.
9. Fifth house, the primary house of speculation, should minutely be examined. The planets posited therein and the aspects received by the house and its lord should be carefully noted. Harmonious aspects produce good; inharmonious, evil.
10. If Mars aspects the fifth house or its lord, it is in his nature to produce feverish excitement and to inflate the prices provided Saturn or Rahu or Uranus does not wink his evil eye.
11. Jupiter’s aspect to the house of speculation, or its lord if strong by sign or placement, creates good advance in prices and the people are in a happy mood.
12. Jupiter hastening for conjunction with either Saturn or Herschel or Neptune by transit produces bullish effects on the markets and more so if he is strong by position; but it has its after-effects is doubly reducing the prices.
13. Saturn advancing for conjunction with Uranus in transit creates devastating influence and havoc-like losses in prices. It is a very malefic conjunction always to be dreaded.
14. The extra aspects given to the planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are most potent in their effects.
15. If a horoscope reveals a conjunction of major planets, malefic planets transiting or squaring or opposing the degree of conjunction, produce effects of far reaching importance, the nature of which can be judged by house disposition. The effect is always evil.
16. Planets in retrogression have more potency in exercising their influence over the markets.
17. Eclipses falling on the ascendant or the mid-heaven are generative of unknown troubles unthought-off reverses resulting in great depression of prices. If there be no redeeming features, the very existence at times is shaken.
18. For commercial purposes, the orbal degrees should be taken as 2 for major planets and 5 for minor ones.

Qualifications and Usefulness of Astrologer - Varahamihira

Qualifications and Usefulness of Astrologers - Varahamihira
WHILE a well-informed and capable man proves a blessing to a family, a society, a community or a nation, an ill-informed and ignorant man will prove a curse to them all.
1)A Jyotishka or astrologer must be well versed in the three branches of knowledge, viz., Samhita, Siddhanta and Phalabhaga or General Sciences, Astronomy and the Predictive Astrology. An astrologer must be of noble birth, agreeable appearance, truthful and without jealousy, have proportional limbs, good joints and growth without physical defects, fine hands, nails, eyes, feet, chin, teeth, ears, forehead, eye-brows and head. He must have a fine physique, a high sonorous voice; defects of body generally indicate defects of mind and vice versa. He must have clean habits, noble mind, originality, eloquence, imagination, knowledge of place and time, strong-minded, learned in matters of remedial measures, hygiene, magic and ablutions, worshipper of the Devathas. He must observe fasts and penance; he must have remarkable genius, capacity to solve the difficulties and must be learned in astronomy, natural astrology and horoscopy.
2)He must have studied the works of Pulisa, Romaka, Vasishta, Surya and Pitamaha; have a correct knowledge of a Yuga (43,20,000 solar years), Varsha (a solar year), Ayana (6 solar months), Ruthu (2 solar months), Masa (a solar month), Paksha (15 solar days), Ahorathra (a solar day), Yama (one-eighth of a solar day), Muhurtha (one-thirtieth of a solar day), Ghati (one-sixtieth of a solar day), Prana (4 seconds), Truti (33,750th of a second) and parts of a Truti and other divisions of time and also of space.
3)He should possess a clear knowledge of the causes of Solar, Savana, Sidereal and Lunar months and of intercalary lunations and intercalary days.
4)A knowledge of the beginning and end of Shastyabada (a cycle of 60 years), a Yuga (5 years), Varsha (a year), Masa (a month), Dina (a day) and Hora (an hour) and of their lords.
5)He must know the solar and other divisions of time, their similarity and dissimilarity and must be capable of propounding the fitness or unfitness of each for particular purposes. The Nava Manas or divisions of time are, of man, of Devas, of Jupiter, of Pithris, of Star (sidereal), of the Sun (solar), of the Moon (lunar), of the Earth (terrestrial) and of Brahma.
6)If calculations in the five astronomical works produce different results, he must be able to calculate correctly the places of the Sun and planets by actual observation (by means of shadow and water level and with the help of astronomical instruments mentioned and described in Surya and other authoritative Siddhantas), of the termination of their Ayana (northward and southward course), of their being due east to the observer after rising and of their altitude at any time.
7)He must know the reason for the correction required for the conversion of the heliocentric into geocentric longitude and vice versa; the causes of the Ayana of the Sun and planets and of their slow and rapid movements at different times or Stambhana and Atichara.
8)He must be able to calculate the times of the commencement and end of the eclipses, the places of first and last contact, the magnitude and duration of them in total eclipses; he must be able to calculate the time between middle eclipse and the beginning or end of total phase, or Vimarda. He must also know the colour of the eclipsed lunar disc. He must be able to calculate beforehand the times of the Moon’s conjunction with the planets as well as other planetary conjunctions.
9)He must know the length, in Yojana (5 miles), of the daily motion of each planet in its orbit and of the orbit itself, and generally the length, in yojana, in every case.
10)He must know the Earth’s revolution round the Sun and round its own axis, its shape and size; the latitude of a place and its complement; the nature of the hour circle; the charadala, kala (the difference between 6 hours and half a day), the times of the rising of the zodiacal signs and be able to calculate time from shadow and shadow from time, and to convert longitude into right ascension and right ascension into longitude.
11)He must have capacity to meet objections and questions in clear and distinct language and of explaining the science in its purity, in just the same way separating the pure gold from all drugs and making it capable of retaining its value when submitted to the touchstone, to the fire and to the hammer.
12)One, who is incapable of entrapping others with a hard question or of answering such a one or explaining his views to his students, cannot expect to become a real astronomer.
13)The fool whose exposition is at variance with the text and whose illustrations are opposed to such expositions is like one who addresses Brahma as Parvathi and begins his praise by recounting the vices of a prostitute.
14)The predictions of an astrologer who knows astronomy well, who is able to calculate the exact Lagna with such helps as the shadow, water and astronomical instruments and who is well versed in horoscopy will never fail.
15)Vishnugupta or Chanikya says “flying with the speed of the wind, one might find it possible to cross to the ocean’s opposite shore; but a non-Rishi can never, even mentally, reach the opposite shore of the vast ocean of Jyotishastra”. This is a clear testimony that unless a man attains to the intellectual eminence of Maharishis he will not be able to read correctly the subtle influences contained in the folds of wonderful time. The Jyotishka must know such divisions of space as Rasi (space of 30o), Hora 15o, Trimsamsa or one degree and their strength or weakness; he must know the horoscopic strength of the planets with respect to their Dik (direction), Sthana (place), Kala (time), Cheshta (motions), conjunctions and the like.
16)He must know the temperament of the planets and the parts of the body governed by each; the minerals they represent, the caste, sex and authority; he must be able to state, from the time of conception with these occasions so as to insure belief; he must be able to say in what cases a child will die early, to calculate the longevity, to apply Ashtakavarga Tables to a given horoscope. How the several Raja, Chandra, Dvigraha and Nabhasa Yogas affect the fortunes of men. How the fortunes of men are affected by the positions and aspects of planets and to calculate the cause of one’s death and discover his future life afterwards.
17)He must also be able to discover auspicious periods for marriages and similar events.
18)In yatra or traveling he must know the fitness or unfitness of a Tithi (lunar day), Muhoorta and Lagna (a sign of zodiac) and Yoga for particular purposes. He must be able to interpret natural gestures and dreams; to state when a prince ought to start for battle to secure success in war; be learned in rules relating to ablutions and sacred fire ceremonies in honour of the plants and offerings to evil spirits; be able to interpret phenomena connected with sacred fires and with elephants and horses while mounting the same; be able to interpret the language and gestures of fighting men; be learned in the shadguna and upaya policies; be able to predict the success or failure of an undertaking; be able to interpret omens; have a knowledge of favourable halting places for the army; be able to read the colour of ceremonial fires; know when to employ the minister, spies, messengers and forest men; be able to give directions touching the capture of the enemy’s fortress.
19)On all the above quoted subjects, works of learned men exist. The predictions of one to whom the truths of the science appear as if spread before his eyes, written on his mind and planted in his breast will never fail. The principles of the science must be clear before his mental vision. A true astrologer is also one who has thoroughly mastered the science of Samhita treating of various miscellaneous subjects.
Samhita gives the motions of the Sun and planets; of their size, colour, rays, brilliancy and shape and changes in the same, of their disappearance and reappearance; of their courses and deviations therefrom; of their retrograde and re-retrograde motions; of their conjunctions with the stars and of their places among the stars.
It treats of the effects of Agastrya chara and Saptarishi chara on particular parts of the countries corresponding to particular portions of the elliptic; of the stellar divisions of every substance, animal, vegetable and mineral, of their increase or decrease according to the motions of the planets among the stars; of the formation and interpretation of various figures presented by the planets when meeting together; of planetary conjunctions; of planetary years; of monoonish indications of the weather; of the Moon’s conjunction with Rohini (4th constellation), Swati (15th constellation) and the two Ashadas (20th and 21st constellations), on particular week days of the month of Ashada and of predicting the nature of the coming weather and crops from the same. It treats about the prediction of immediate rain from surrounding phenomena; judging the nature of the future crops from the growth of plants and flowers; the halos round the Sun and Moon; lines of clouds crossing the solar disc at rising and setting the winds; meteoric falls; false fires; earthquakes; the red sky immediately before sunrise and after sunset; the fanciful shape of clouds; dust storms; thunderbolts; the price of food-grains; and gardening.
Indradhvaja, the rainbow architecture; the prediction of events from casual words and gestures from the cawing of crows; the formation of zodiacal circles for purposes of pransa.
Prediction of future events from phenomena connected with the deer, the dog and the motions of the wind; the construction of temples, towers and palaces; casting of images, founding the same; growth of plants and trees; under currents; annual ceremonies to be performed by princes for success in war.
The prediction of events from the flight of the Kanjana (a small black bird the Gracula religiosa) and from the appearance of various abnormal phenomena, expiratory ceremonies, miscellaneous planetary phenomena; ghritakambala; the royal sword; patta; the features of house, cock, a cow, a sheep, a horse, an elephant, a man and a woman.
The treatment of women; moles in the body; injuries to shoes and clothes; hairy fans; walking sticks; beds and seats; lamp-light; of tooth-brush and similar articles.
Generally, the determination of the fortunes of men and princes depends on matters enumerated above and changing every moment. It therefore behoves a prince to employ astrologers solely upon the work. As it is impossible for a single astrologer to observe and determine all the phenomena occurring day and night, the task must be assigned to four competent and well-paid astrologers; one of them to observe the east and south-east; another the south and south-west; a third the west and north-west; and the fourth the north and north-east. For the fall of meteors as they are and the like, sudden in nature and the determination of one’s fortunes depends on the shape, colour, gloss, size, and the like of these falling bodies and upon how they approach or cross planets and stars, there must be special men employed to do such important work. Bhagwan Garga observes thus-That prince meets with ruin who does not support a Jyotishka well versed in all the divisions and subdivisions of Samhita, Horoscopy and Astronomy.
Even men who, having conquered their passions and cut asunder all ties of family, and who live in woods, desire to question a learned Jyotishka regarding their future.
As is the night without a lamp and the sky without the Sun, so is a prince without a Jyotishka and he gropes his way in the dark and comes to certain grief.
If there were no Jyotishas, the muhurtas, the tithis, the nakshatras, the rutus and the ayanas would go wrong for want of proper calculations.
A learned Jyotisha not only escapes Hell but after death goes to the Brahmaloka and obtains salvation.
That Brahman Jyotisha who has mastered both the text and the purport of the entire science deserves to be respected and fed first on occasions of Sraddha and he purifies the party of diners.

To question an ignorant man is not unlike beginning a clod of earth at the gate of a city for a gift; whatever is truth will finally triumph.

He who knows well the Hora, the Ganita and the Samhita shastras ought to be respected by the prince who loves victory and fame and admitted into his court and well rewarded.
The service, which a single Jyotisha, having a knowledge of place and time, can render to a prince, cannot be rendered to him by a thousand elephants or by four thousand horses.
The evils of bad dreams, sad thoughts, bad omens and evil deeds and others will vanish immediately one hears of the Moon’s motion among the stars.
Neither the father nor the motion, nor the relations nor friends of a prince will desire so much his well-being and that of his subjects as a true and honourable Jyotishka does.
A competent astrologer will be a pillar of strength to the rulers and will be able to guide them through the political and financial troubles safely as does a clever sailor through the billows of a wild sea.

Development of the Embryo

Development of the Embryo
A MORE momentous and interesting question can hardly be conceived in human history. In fact, the very existence of human beings is the result of the proper development of the human embryo. Of late remarkable progress has been made in the science of Embryology. The Ancient Maharishis have linked the development of embryo with the motions of the celestial bodies. The colossal number of deaths among infants, birth of deformed children, criminals and men of vicious character are all due to the fact that, before delivery, proper care of the embryo is not taken. In Charaka Samhita, a treatise on Ayurveda, the subject is elaborately dealt with. According to Ayurveda, the embryo, during its development, can be invested with certain characteristics or tendencies by the parents adopting certain procedure of life, which would manifest themselves in the person that is to be born.
How does conception occur? It is by the union of the semen with the ovum. The spermatozoa are received in the uterine cavity by the act of copulation and they make their way to the ovum. Only one spermatozoon fertilizes the ovum and the rest perish. The semen or the secretion of the man is called surka. Copulation does not always result in conception. Otherwise, there should have been sterility. Causes for sterility are various but according to Hindu Sastras, the mere union of the semen and the ovum is not sufficient to give rise to conception. Conception can only occur when the Soul or self, wandering in the vast space, penetrates into the fertilized ovum.
When coitus between morally and physically healthy couple occurs the semen and ovum combined will find their way into the uterus and jiva enters into it. Then conception takes place. The foetus thus formed in the womb by juices agreeable to it and nourished to proper food and freed from diseases, begins to grow. When mature, it is equipped with all the organs of sense and its body becomes fully formed. Then endued with strength, complexion, vigor of the particular element and compactness, it easily issues out of the uterus generally in the tenth month after the conception. A factor called satwa brings about a union among the principal matters of the mother, the father, Self and the juices. In the conception, sexual intercourse alone is not enough as already said above. If it is so, then there is no room for people to become childless. There are different views about the begetting of Self. If it is the Self that begets itself, then it would do it in an auspicious time and Self desires itself to rule uncontrolled motion, capable of assuming any form full of energy and strength and superior mind and body without any bodily defects, without diseases, without death and endued with other attributes superior in kind.
It is difficult to say that the mind descends from the other world into the foetus. If it did so, there is nothing relative to the former body which would remain unknown, unseen or unheard. At the time of birth the mind remembers nothing. There can be no conception without a mother or without a father. What portion or energies or powers are taken by the foetus at the time of conception and during the time of its feotal development? The foetus after conception seems to be a mysterious compound of visible and invisible forces.
Some medical works lay down the following organs taking the essence of the mother. They are heart, lungs, liver, spleen, breasts, pelvis, intestines, skin, blood, lower stomach, lower rectum. Those which are taken from the essence of the father are hair of the head, nails, bristles of the body, teeth, bones, nerves, sinews, arteries and semen. Jiva is the cause of conception. Athma is eternally free from diseases and decrepitudes, immortal cannot be pierced or cut into pieces by weapons, incapable of being burnt, having universe for its form. The conceived foetus in the womb gets the name of Self.
There are three periods in the development of the unborn child, viz., the ovum- the product of conception during the first two weeks, the embryo, from the third to the fifth week, and the foetus, after the fifth week.
Venus rules the first month. In this month, the embryo is formed. For the first time, the matters comes to the perception of our gross senses. The eyes, nasal pits, maxillary processes, ears and nose are visible. In the second month, presided over by Mars, the plasm is enveloped by the amnion. The membranes expand. The nose, mouth, ear, etc., are less prominent. Jupiter rules the third month. Fingers and toes are formed. The genitals are developed and differentiation of sex is also noticed. The fourth month is governed by the Sun. The foetus becomes consistent and begins to move giving rise to the “quickening”. The embryo takes the human shape. The Moon rules the fifth month. Growth of hair and nails and further development of the genitals are noticed. The sixth month of the pregnancy is ruled by Saturn. The breathing apparatus, the brain, the anus and legs are further developed. Mercury rules the seventh month, in which intelligence is infused into the child. The foetus assumes a lateral position. The lord of the rising sign at the time of conception rules the eighth month, during which period Ojas is exchanged between the mother and the child. The hardening of bones, etc., is noticed. The ninth month of pregnancy comes under the influence of the Moon. The child is filled with cares. The tenth is governed by Mars, when child-birth occurs.
There will be miscarriage of pregnancy in that month whose lord happens to be afflicted at the time of conception or the normal development of the organs during foetal life is much injured and the particular organ indicated by the sign of the Zodiac, in which evil combinations occur, becomes defective. Ascertaining this beforehand, one should perform such remedies as would counteract the results of afflicted combinations, so that the foetus at the time of birth, may be fully and properly developed. I shall recur to this subject on a subsequent occasion.

In the following example coitus took place on 10th February 1925, midnight, at Bangalore. The birth occurred at 5-20 a.m., on 2nd November 1925 in the ninth month. Varahamihira, Kalyanavarma and other ancient astrological writers have given methods by which it is possible to predict the period of birth from the conception Lagna and vice versa. These enable us to rectify the time of birth as there is always a correspondence between conception Moon and birth Lagna and vice versa. I shall get into this aspect of Prenatal Astrology on a future occasion.
According to Bhavakundali, Jupiter is in the Ascendant. Saturn is in an odd sign aspected by Jupiter. Therefore, the birth of a male child is indicated. Out of the Sun and the Ascendant the Sun is in a movable sign. Consequently the delivery occurred in the ninth month. The position of Jupiter in the Ascendant and his being aspected by the exalted Moon tend to the proper development of the foetus and safe and easy delivery. The second month of pregnancy is ruled by Mars. He is the lord of Lagna and the 6th. In the Navamsa he is vitiated being conjunct with the Sun and Kethu and aspected by Venus and Rahu. Therefore, at the close of the second month of pregnancy, the mother was confined to bed with signs of abortion, but proper care and medical aid enabled her to pass through the period safely.

Astrological Birth Control in Vedanga Jyotish

Astrological Birth Control in Vedanga Jyotish
THE great Varahamihira has observed that the menses of a woman are due to the interaction of Mars and the Moon and that it is caused every month by the transit of Mars through certain sensitive points in the horoscope. This is full of significance and offers considerable scope for those who would wish to make some researches in the field of astro-biology. That the intra-uterine life has a natural course to follow in accordance with certain astronomical factors is no more a disputed fact. That all human activities have a period of inward formation followed by an outward manifestation and final extinction or dissolution is an admitted fact. Medical men are now beginning to realize that every normal woman experiences menstruation with a considerable degree of regularity from the age of puberty onwards upto the menopause. It is no doubt clear that the cycle is controlled from within the body by the regular operation of the ductless gland system, but a little reflection will also show that the various glandular secretions are in their turn controlled by what appear to be outside agencies, viz., planetary vibrations.
Every life-activity is rhythmic in character. It cannot be denied that, given all the conditions needed, there cannot be germination of a planet seed in the absence of requisite quantities of solar energy. Therefore, the planetary vibrations-energies of different wave-lengths-must be controlling our glandular secretions also. Take a horoscope in which the Sun and the Moon are subject to a number of evil influences. You will find that the native will be lazy; he will have low power of vitality, the intellect will be dull and he will be weak-minded. The front pituitary is the gland of intellect. A prominent front pituitary tends to a tall body and a strong intellect and to masculine expression. Men with a weak front pituitary tend to be feminine in expression. What endocrinology can suggest after prolonged investigation, astrology can reveal by a mere examination of the horoscope. Therefore it is evident that the movements of planets are primarily responsible for the causation of menstruation.

With a view to avoid pregnancy, all sorts of mechanical and chemical contrivances were designed. They were all the methods for use by women designed to close the opening of the uterus, or intended to wash away the spermatozoa immediately after the intercourse. In other words, all these artificial methods of prevention of conception do not only not give the happiness sought in sexual intercourse, but they are “sinful just as adultery is”. It is a deliberate interference with the psycho-physiological laws of generation and with the laws of nature. It is also an attempt to hinder souls of their chance of evolution, by depriving them of the physical vehicles necessary fro their spiritual growth. The grounds of religious disapproval of contraception are variously expressed. Contraception violates the will of God, and the intention of nature which expresses His will by frustrating the purpose of marriage. Marriage is turned to personal pleasure. Contraception encourages the dominance of physical passion over spiritual values and moral self-control, leading to self-indulgence in and out of marriage. It degrades marriage to a selfish pursuing of personal pleasure and deprives the husband and the wife of the moral growth that comes from spritualising their relationship and accepting the responsibility of parenthood when children come.
Leaving aside the moral grounds on which contraception is condemned, it has now been found that the mechanical and chemical methods have different disadvantages. The only ‘natural’ method, viz., coitus interruptus is supposed to cause shock to the nervous system of both man and woman; it is physically very unpleasant and the psychological effects may lead to symptoms of impotence.
The only perfect method is either continence or intercourse during certain ‘infertile’ days about which astrology has already given us a number of clues, which biologists and sexologists will do well to consider a hundred times before rejecting them as superstitious.

The wisdom of the ancients in suggesting that cohabitation done on certain days in regard to the day of menstruation does not result in pregnancy becomes evident from the following details.
If menstruation and pregnancy depend upon interaction of the influences of the Moon and Mars, then the ovum cannot be fertile during certain days so that sexual contact on such days cannot result in conception. In order to understand the process of conception sufficiently well, we have to know some more facts. What makes the ovary and the uterus behave in a certain way at a certain definite time?
The ovary, the seat of germ cells or eggs, ripens an ovum. As the ova are ranged near the surface of the ovary, the growth of the ovum causes the ovary to bulge at the point concerned until finally the follicle bursts and sheds the ovum. The ovum, a tiny white ball travels down into the uterus through the oviduct. A coating of albumen is collected by the ovum as it is gently propelled on its way towards the uterus. Here the ovum is either fertilized by the spermatozoa of the male, or is thrown out along with blood by the contraction of uterus, so that menstruation is caused. The empty follicle which produced the egg then becomes what is known as a corpus luteum which also produces a hormone, known as the luteal hormone. This hormone prepares the uterus to receive the ovum if and when fertilized.
An obvious deduction is that there can be no conception if there is no egg present to be fertilized. Is it possible to discover the point in the menstrual cycle when the egg makes its appearance? Professor Knaus discovered by experiment on women, injecting pituitary hormone, that the uterus reacted in the normal way to the hormone, up to the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle. On the sixteenth day the uterus ceased to make any significant movements, and did not respond to much larger injections of pituitary hormone. The only explanation possible was that the yellow body (corpus luteum) assumed control of affairs on the sixteenth day of the cycle. This control persisted until a day before the next menstruation. On that day, the last of the cycle, the uterus movements began once more, proving that the pituitary hormones could once more take effect, and that the yellow body had disintegrated because no fertilization had taken place. The various investigations carried out by scientists on rabbits, and our nearer ancestors the apes, have only confirmed the grand astrological truth that the fertility of the human female is confined to a certain period during the menstrual cycle.
The ovum (female egg) is found to be born exactly fifteen days before the next menstruation. It follows that in all normal cases, the interval between ovulation and the next menstruation is invariably the same in every woman. If for example, a woman’s menstruation begins on March 1, and the next menstruation starts on March 29, hers is a twenty-eight-day cycle; the yellow body assumes control on the 14th day before menstruation. Therefore the date and birth of the yellow body is 15th March. Ovum is produced one day earlier, i.e., ovulation takes place on 14th March. Sexual intercourse any time in the 48 hours preceding ovulation, or in the 24 hours following, can lead to impregnation. Therefore the woman must abstain from intercourse on 12th, 13th and 14th. If the menstrual cycle has been correctly estimated, conception cannot result from intercourse outside these dates. No conception is fortuitous or takes place by chance, but that all conceptions happen at a time when the exact degree of the zodiac then rising, setting or culminating has certain ‘fertile’ influences.
But still the above method, according to which ‘safe’ periods for intercourse can be found out, does not seem to be as reliable ad those already known to astrology. For, in our own observations as well as in those of a number of our friends, records have shown that impregnation has taken place, as the result of intercourse indulged in on other days than the 15th, 16th and 17th days before the end of the menstrual cycle. The following case in the records from my master, may be taken as an example. Born on 16-10-1918 at 2-20 p.m. (I.S.T.) at Bangalore.
In this horoscope, Mars aspects the 2nd, 5th and 6th from Lagna. On 31st December 1945, when the Moon was transiting an Upachaya from Lagna, viz., Scorpio, the lady went into menses. IT will be seen that the Moon was passing through a sensitive point, viz., radical Mars. According to the theory of the scientists given above, the birth of the yellow body would happen on 14th January, and ovulation would take place on 13th January taking into consideration that the menstrual cycle in this case is of 28 days duration. Intercourse from January 10 to 15 (both days included) can result in conception which is not possible outside these dates. As a matter of fact, on January 3, when the Moon was passing through an Apachaya Rasi, intercourse took place which resulted in conception. Therefore, the above scientific theory which we have discussed at length is not as dependable as the astrological theories according to which sexual intercourse at certain fixed times cannot result in conception. The safe method given above is of significance. Probably a little more astrological research would reveal to us the dangerous days on which it would be safe to avoid sexual intercourse. From the details furnished above, it is evident that ovulation can take place on a date on which the Moon transits a sensitive point in the woman’s horoscope.
Let us take the case of another female born on 21-12-1911 at 8-47 p.m. (L.M.T.) Calcultta. Mars aspects the 2nd, 5th and 6th from Lagna the last being an Upachaya. The lady had menstruation on 16-10-1933, 14-11-33 and 16-12-33, coitus having taken place on 2-11-1933, 29-11-33 and 27-12-1933. First let us apply the ‘dangerous period’ test. Since menstruation occurred on 14-11-33, the yellow body assumes control on 31-10-1933 and the date of ovulation is 30-10-1933. The danger period would therefore be 29th, 30th and 31st October and to be safe, 1st November also. The sexual intercourse having occurred in a safe period, viz., 2-11-1933, did not result in pregnancy. Again, taking 16-12-1933, yellow body assumed control on 2-12-1933, ovulation took place on 1-12-1933 and the danger period was 30-11-1933 to 2-12-1933. Since coitus took place on 29-11-1933, outside the danger zone, pregnancy did not occur. The third menstruation took place on 16-12-1933. In a cycle of 28 to 30 days, the fertile periods fall between the 4th and 18th day from the beginning of the previous menstruation; therefore, 27th December to 4th January was a fertile period. Intercourse took place on 27-12-1933 which resulted in conception, the birth of the child having taken place on 22-9-1934.
Therefore the researches of scientists which have indicated to them the fringe of the true causes governing biologic phenomena, cannot be altogether ignored as the line they have now been adopting is approximating to the astrological conceptions which lay down the dictum that all biologic (which includes sexual urges also) phenomena are rhythmic or astrological in character.
Taking the above case, we find that on the first menstruation day (16-10-1933) the Moon was transiting Leo, a dry sign, aspected by radical Mars; on the second day (14-11-1933) the Moon was transiting an Upachaya, viz., Virgo and on the third menstruation day (16-12-1933) the Moon was transiting Scorpio (an Upachaya), aspected by radical Mars and hence the last configuration is capable of causing conception. The safest method of ‘birth control’ therefore seems to be to regulate sexual life in such a manner that at the time of intercourse, the fifth house is so situated that no birth of children is possible.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Prasna IV


Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few Prasna Masters these days, my Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath is one of them who has learnt the prasna techniques in his traditon of shri Acyta dasa. I am not going into the very basic ideas of the calculations such as Chhatra rasi, Trisphuta, Chautasphuta etc. I am concentrating on some of the rare principles of Prasna. It may be possible that it will be a repeatation for scholars in Prasna.

Vivaha Prasna


Benefics in angles and trines cause marriage to occur.

Sani in the 7th in an even sign indicates that the querist is sure to get a
damsel for marriage.

Mercury, Venus or Jupiter in angles, especiialy the 7th
then marriage takes place early.

If the Moon is in the 4th, 1st, 5th, 9th, 8th or 12th aspected by or
with malefics then there will be impediments to marriage.

If the Moon is in the 4th, 1st, 5th, 9th, 8th or 12th aspected by
or with malefics then there will be impediments to marriage.


If the Moon is in any sign aspected by malefics it
has to be stated that the lady has no liking for the male; prediction can also
be made that the wife is loving another person.

the Moon and Mercury in the 6th or with malefics will make the
girl ill-tempered and unlucky.

A malefic in the 7th and a benefic in the 4th will cause the death of the wife
but the mistress will remain alive.

If Rahu is in trine to lagna or Arudha the wives of the enquirers would be
quarrelsome women, undoubtedly.

If a Malefic is in lagna or the 7th and Mars is in the 7th then the girl
will be widowed in 8 years.


A malefic in the 7th indicates that one gets a women devoid of any beauty.

If the 7th house is owned by a malefic then the wife will not be good looking.

If the Sun or Jupiter is with or aspects the
Moon the lady is chaste.

If Saturn is the 7th lord in an angle the spouse will have the upper hand.


If the lagna is even and it's lord is in an even rasi the person will have had
sex on two occasions.

If the question, "will my angry wife return home?" is asked. If Venusis
not retrograde or is combust the wife will not return.


Other planets then Jupiter or Rahu in the 3rd will cause all comforts, wealth
and enjoyments.

If Mars, Mercury, or Jupiter are in the 4th the woman will
marry a wealthy person.

If Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Jupiter are in 4th the
bride will be short lived.

If Mars is in the 7th the bride will live with another, be taken away by
another, or dies before marriage.

If Saturn or Rahu is in the 7th the bride will become a widow.

If the Moon or Jupiter is in the 9th the bride will have many

If the Sun, Mars, Venus, Rahu or Saturn are in the 9th the bride will remain


1. When the Moon transits the Moon's dwadasamsa rasi, or
it's trine, or the Chandrabhilasha rasi, or the navamsa rasi of the 7th lord the
marriage takes place. Divide the Moon's longitude in minutes by 800.
Multiply by 3 and divide the product by 200. The quotient is the Chandrabhilasha


If the Moon is debilitated or in enemies house and does not aspect
either the lagna or Arudha the bride will have no Mother. If the Sun is
debilitated or in enemies house and does not aspect either the lagna or the
Arudha the bride will have no father.
If the 7th from the lagna or Arudha is not aspected by the Sun, who
should be debilitated or in an enemies house the father of the bridegroom will
not be alive. If the 7th from the lagna or Arudha is not aspected by the Moon
who should be debilitated or in enemies house the mother of the
bridegroom will not be alive. Similar can be read the state of the brothers from
Mars, etc.


"Is the bride pure in character?"
She is pure if the lagna, lagna lord and the Moon are in rasis. If
they are all in movable rasis she will not be pure. If the Moon is in
a dual rasi and the lagna in a movable rasi her character will be suspicious. If
the Moon and Mars are in movable or dual rasis the girl will
have committed adultery in secret. If the Moon and Sani are in lagna
then her sexual impurity will be an open secret. She will definitely be guilty
of adultery if Mars and Sani occupy an angle aspected by the Moon
and Venus in the Moon's drekkana.

"Is this woman a harlot or devoted?"
She may be considered to have committed adultery in her own house if the lagna
lord or the Moon is in degree conjunction with Mars. If Mars
is in his own sign she will have committed the sin in another's house. If
the Sun is in Muthasila with Mars the intimacy is with a high
peronsage. With Mercury a trader or writer. With Venus another women. If
contrary combinations exist the lady will be pure in character. If Mars
has Musaripha with the lagna lord or the Moon then the lover is to her
liking. According as Mars is aspected by Jupiter, the Sun,
or Venusshe will be restrained by the fear of her son, the law, or
other women. If Mercury and Venustogether aspect Mars
she will be afraid of the scandal that the lover is an old man.


1. Rahu, Ketu, or Gulika occupying or aspecting the Yoga Sphuta formed by adding
the longitudes of Yama Sukra, the lagna lord and Venus, then the couple will not
have any happiness after marriage.
2. If Yama Sukra or the lord of the 10th form him occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th
from the
Arudha then marriage will not take place at the fixed time.
3. If Venusis in the 6th , 8th or 12th from Yama Sukra then marriage
will not take place at the fixed time.
4. A careful reading of the Lagna reveals the life of the bride, while that of
the 7th house gives details about the bridegroom. In this way the temperament,
history, etc. of the bride can be read from the lagna and the story of the
bridegroom can be had from the 7th.
5. The place of the bride can be had from the stronger of the lords of lagna or
6. The effects of Trimsamsas as applied to female horoscopy should be suitably
applied to prasna as well.
7. If the Arudha lord and 7th lord, interchange houses, are exalted or aspect
each other then marriage will take place.
8. If the lord of navamsa lagna is strong, in its own Rasi, Hora, Drekkana,
Saptamsa and navamsa, or with or aspected by benefics, and without malefic
influences, then one gets a girl with very fine qualities as a life partner.
9. If malefics aspected by malefics are in inimical signs in the 8th then
marriage will not take place.
10. If the planet causing Ithasala indicating marriage is afflicted by malefics
or in combustion then the querent will not succeed in getting the bride.
11. If the woman's natal the Moon happens to be the same as the Prasna
lagna or Arudha the couple will live long and beget children.
12. If the navamsa of the 7th house or lagna is with a malefic one will not
enjoy marital happiness.
13. Malefics debilitated or in inimical signs in the lagna, 7th and 8th then the
couple will die.
14. According as the Sun, Venus or both are weak the bridegroom
or bride or both will lack happiness.
15. If Mars is in the varga of Venusor Venusis in the
varga of Mars the person's wife will become a widow and be corrupt.
16. If the Moon is in the amsa of Jupiter he would of been
hugged by the lady herself with full love.
17. If the Moon is in the rasi or amsa of an enemy she will be an
enemy's lady; in own house his own wife; in exaltation rasi or amsa she will be
of superior status; if in debilitation rasi or amsa she will be of very low
caste; in a nuetrals house or amsa she will be an ordinary lady.
18. If the lagna is in the junction of two signs or nakshatras one would have
had union with a widow and if there are planets in such junctions the person
involved would have been the same castes as of the planets.
19. A malefic debilitated (in malefic sign) in the 5th aspected by inimical
planets indicates that the woman is of questionable character, that her children
will die, or that she is barren.
20. The 5th house afflicted by malefics indicates that the woman will not bear
any children. If children are born they will die. If these malefics are in
debilitation or in inimical signs then the mother will kill her children.
21. If the 7th lord is strong the querist will marry in a good and wealthy
20. If the 7th lord is weak or in debilitation of inimical sign the querist will
marry an ugly looking wife from a poor and bad family.
22. If the female planets are in friendly signs aspecting the lagna, which must
be a male sign, the wife will love the husband, otherwise the result will be
23. If the Moon is in the 7th in inimical or debilitation sign and
aspected by (malefic) inimical planets the lady should have been censured by
relatives and excommunicated.
24. If Venusis in the amsa of Mars, or Mars is in the
amsa of Venushe would have had intercourse with a lady who had no
husband or the wife of one suffering from tuberculosis.
25. If the Moon is getting the "Varga" of Jupiter she will
have conjugal bliss in a happy way.
26. If Venusgetting the "Varga" of a female planet the wife will be
27. If the Moon is in an even amsa the lady will have her own
28. If the Moon is in the varga of a malefic or aspected by it there
may be union with an enemy's wife.
29. The number of times of intercourse has to be determined from the number of
planets aspecting the lagna lord, or from the number of rays.

In an odd rasi, the nine navamsas in their order are dhata, moola, and jeeva,
repeated thrice. This order is reversed in an even rasi. Find whether the lagna
is odd or even. What the rising navamsa represents may be ascertained by
counting in the manner described. Moola- things with roots, vegetation.

If the Sun and Mars are strong, the query relates to dhatus. If the Sun and Mars
are fortified in an angle especially in the lagna, the query will be about a

If Saturn and Mercury is strong, the query relates to moolas. If Mercury and
Saturn are strongly placed in an angle especially in the lagna, the question
relates to a moola.

If the Moon, Jupiter and Venus are strong the query relates to jeevas. If the
Moon, Jupiter and Venus are strongly disposed in an angle, especially in the
lagna , the query will bear on a jeeva.

If Jupiter is in the 2nd, Venus in the 1st or the 4th, or Mercury in the 10th,
from lagna or arudha, then it is about some business (Karya Prasna).


1. The strength of a planet is to be judged by its placement in own navamsa,
friendly navamsa, or inimical navamsa. If the planet endowed with the greatest
strength occupies the lagna, the subject of the query will be about one who is
intimately connected with the querent, or simply about oneself. If the planet
occupying the lagna happens to be powerful and the lord of the rising navamsa,
the query will be about the querent themselves. If the planet is powerful and
friendly to the lord of the navamsa lagna, the query will be about a friend. If
the planet is powerful and inimical to the lord of the navamsa lagna, the query
will relate to an enemy.
2. If the planet endowed with the greatest strength occupies the 3rd house, it
will be about one's brothers.
1. If it occupies the 5th house, the question will relate to one's issue.
2. If it occupies the 4th house, it will be about one's mother or his sister.
3. If it occupies the 6th house, it will be about an enemy of the querist.
4. If it occupies the 7th house, it will relate to one's wife.
5. If it occupies the 9th house, it will be about one who is engaged in some
virtuous action, or about religion.
6. If it occupies the 10th house, it will relate to one's preceptor.
7. Consideration should be made whether the lord of the navamsa lagna is endowed
with strength and is friendly or inimical to the lord of the ascendant (meaning
the person the query is about is friendly or inimical towards the querent).


1. If a planet occupying its own navamsa, is aspecting it's own navamsa in the
1st, 5th or 9th, or is in its own navamsa in the 1st, the 5th or the 9th, the
subject of the query relates to dhatus- minerals. If the aspecting planet in the
above case occupies a navamsa of another planet, the subject relates to jeevas-
living beings. If the aspecting planet is in another's navamsa and aspects
another's navamsa in the Lagna, the 5th or the 9th, the query relates to moolas-

2. Find out who between the Ascendant lord and the 11th lord is stronger in
Shadbala. Note the position of Moon from the stronger planet. The querist will
be thinking about a matter pertaining to the house in which the Moon is posited.

3. The querist may have that subject in his mind which is concerned with: 1. The
house with the lord of which the Moon is in Itthashala Yoga. 2. The house whose
lord is in Itthashala Yoga with the Ascendant Lord. 3. The house of the
strongest planet amongst (a) the Moon (b) a strong planet and (c) the lagna

4. One has to examine the angles to know what is in one's thoughts.

5. Determine from the planets influencing the Chattira Rasi one's thought in

6. Some say that from the lagna the thought about dhatus, from the Aruda the
thought about moolas and from the Chattira rasi the thought about jeevas should
be determined. as stated by some.

7. Whichever planet aspects the Moon such planet's appearances, categories,
caste, color etc. have to be guessed after the study of their strength like
exaltation, own, depression, etc.

8. The shape, color and form of the article is to be divined from the shape,
color and form of the strongest planet at the moment of query. The length of the
article is to be predicted from the length of the rasi.

9. If a planet occupies the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, or 10th from Lagna, Arudha or
the Moon, and if ts navamsa is Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then say that it is a
chora prasna (about theft).

10. If the lord of Lagna is in a movable Rasi or Navamsa or in an angle or in a
strong position, then it is Swastha Prasna, about the native himself and his

11. If the lord of Lagna occupies a fixed rasi or fixed navamsa or is in the 6th
or the 12th houses or found weak in all respects, then it is to be inferred that
the querist is suffering from severe illness and the question relates to
disease. If the lord of Lagna is subject to mixed influences, the man's illness
increases sometimes and decreases sometimes like the ebb and flow of water.

Dewavrat Buit
M.Sc.(Maths),Jyotisha Shastri,
Radionic Analyst,
4A; Pranesh Appartments,
SA Road, Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur 440022
Ph. 917123295442

Prasna III


Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few Prasna
Masters these days, my Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath is one of them who has learnt the
prasna techniques in his traditon of shri Acyta dasa. I am not going
into the very basic ideas of the calculations such as Chhatra rasi, Trisphuta,
Chautasphuta etc. I am concentrating on some of the rare principles of
Prasna. It may be possible that it will be a repeatation for
scholars in Prasna.

Chora Prasna

1. In regard to questions bearing on lost or stolen wealth, 7th signifies the
thief, the 4th signifies the property and the lagna and the Moon signify the
person who has lost the money.
2. In a query about lost articles, the ornaments relating to the part of the
body may be found out from the rising asterism, and if found recoverable the
time of recovery has to be found out from the relevant planets.
3. From the planets aspecting or occupying Aruda Lagna the stolen articles and
1. The kind of substance stolen is indicated by the navamsa rising.
2. If any planet aspects the Moon, the color of the stolen article will be of
that a planet's color.
3. The color of Arudha rasi reveals the color of the stolen thing. Aries is red,
Taurus is white, Gemini is green, Cancer is pale red, Leo is smoky white. Virgo
governs variegated colors, Libra- white color, Scorpio and Aquarius- black or
dark color, Sagittarius- golden color, Capricorn- pinjala color and Pisces- sky-
4. One has to examine panapharas for the query about theft and apoklimas for the
query about hidden things.
5. There are two types of thieves, viz., (a) abhyanthara (b) bahya. The 3rd
house denotes the former while the 6th governs the latter. If the lord of one
of these combines with or is aspected by the lord of the 2nd, or if a chora
planet occupies the 11th, it can be said that the missing wealth has been
stolen. If the lord of chora houses are not connected with the lord of the 2nd
or the 11th, then the missing wealth has not been stolen but is only misplaced.
6. Though several points have been mentioned in this chapter about theft, find
out which planet is very strong and its colour, stature, caste, sex, number
based on rays, etc. may have to be taken for the identification of the lost
article and the thief. It has also to be ascertained from this whether recovery
is possible or not and if found recoverable such planet's year, month or day
etc., have to be taken as the period for recovery.
7. When there is no mutual aspect between the lords of the lagna and the 2nd,
the querent will get news about lost property, but he will not recover it.
8. The time of theft, the direction, and the place to which the property has
been taken should be determined from the lagna. (From the lagna, the direction,
place and the time of theft are to be judged.)
9. The property will be recovered if the Moon occupying the lagna or the 10th is
in a benefic Ithasala. If such a Moon has a friendly aspect from the Sun or a
benefic planet, then also the property will be gotten back.
10. If Mars is placed in the 8th house in the navamsas of Leo, Scorpio, or
Auqarius, the lost article will not be gotten back.


If Venus occupies or aspects the 4th from the lagna, Arudha, or Chattira the
lost article is silver and will be recovered.

If Saturn occupies the 7th from the lagna, Arudha, or Chattira the lost article
is iron and will not be lost.

If a movable rasi is lagna, Chattira or Aruda the lost article will not be

If benefics are in trines the lost article will be recovered.

If the 7th from lagna or Aruda is Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius, or Aquarius the
lost article will be recovered without damage.

If malefics occupy the 3rd house from lagna or Aruda and if they are aspected
by other malefics the lost thing will be recovered.


If the 7th from lagna or Aruda is Aries, Virgo or Capricorn, the lost article
will not be recovered.

When Mars is in the 7th or 8th, the lost wealth will not be secured by the
querent as it will be in the protection of another person.

If a movable rasi rises, the article has gone elsewhere.

If the lagna is moveable, the wealth is passing from hand to hand.

If Cancer or Scorpio rises the article is in the house.

If the middle decanate is rising, the stolen property is somewhere in the middle
portion of the house, or inside the premsises.

If Mars is in the lagna the stolen article will be on the front pail.

If the Sun, Mars or Mercury aspect the Moon, then the stolen
wealth is buried underground.

From the nakshatra rising one can locate the place:Pushyami- house.


The thief is in the place of theft if the lord of the 7th is in a quadrant.


A fixed rasi, a fixed navamsa, or a vargottama navamsa rising indicates that the
article was stolen by a person known to the querist and that it is in the same
place/ thief is one amongst the household.

A fixed rasi, a fixed navamsa, or a vargottama navamsa rising indicates that the
article was stolen by a person known to the querist and that it is in the same
place/ thief is one amongst the household.

If there is a movable rasi or navamsa rising the thief is an outsider.

If the lord of 7th is in its own or exaltation rasi, the thief would be an
expert one, or a well-known person.


If the lagna falls in a moveable rasi, the name of the thief would be made up of
two letters.


1. All vowels are governed by the Sun; the Moon rules ya ra la va; Mars-
kavarga, Venus- chavarga; Mercury- tavarga; Jupiter- thavarga; Saturn- pavarga;
and Rahu the remaining letters. The signs govern the letters in accordance wuth
thier lord. From this the name of the thief can be determined.
2. Arudha, the lord of Arudha, the rasi occupied by the lord and the Navamsa of
the lord of Arudha, should be considered. The letter indicated by the strongest
will be the first letter of the thief's name. The lord that aspects or joins the
6th, the lord of the 6th, the Navamsa rasi of the lord of the 6th, the 6th house
Rasi, the letters of these may also be the initial letter in the name of the
3. Calculate the longitude of Gulika. The quotient obtained by dividing the
unexpired vighatikas in the Navamsa of Gulika by 100 indicates the planet. If
it is one, it is the Sun; if two, the Moon and so on. The rasi governed by the
planet so got indicates the first letter in the name of the thief. The quotient,
obtained by dividing the unexpired portion of Gulika Navamsa by 75, gives the
expired rasis- the letter indicated by the next rasi is the first letter in the
name of the thief.


1. When the Moon transits the nakshatra of the lagna the lost thing can be
2. Find out the navamsa rasi occupied by the Moon. When the lord of this navamsa
transits the lagna the article will be recovered.



Aries and its quadrants represent Dhatu and Karma.
Taurus and its quadrants represent Moola and Bhoga.
Gemini and its quadrants represent Jeeva and Nasa.
Navamsa Rasis also signify Dhatu and Moola as above.

Nakshatras from Asvini onwards represent in groups of three respectively Dhatu
and Karma, Moola and Bhoga and Jeeva and Nasa.

Of the planets, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu signify Dhatu; the Sun and
Venus, Moola; and Mercury and Jupiter, Jeeva.

A rasi is divided into three parts. The first Drekkana is Karma; the second,
Bhoga and the third is Nasa.

Hence the first part of Aries is Karma Dhatu, the 2nd part Bhoga Dhatu and the
3rd part Nasa Dhatu. The first part of Taurus is Karma Moola, 2nd partis Bhoga
Moola, 3rd part is Nasa Moola. The first part of Gemini is Karma Jeeva, 2nd part
Bhoga Jeeva, 3rd part Nasa Jeeva. Etc.

With regard to odd Navamsa, Cara Rasi amsas are Dhatu, Sthira Rasi amsas are
Moola and Ubhaya Rasi amsas are Jeeva. In regard to even Navamsas, the reverse
holds good, viz., Chara Jeeva, Sthira-Moola and Ubhaya- Nasa Dhatus.

If Arudha Lagna, Navamsa, the planet that occupies Arudha and the Arudha
Nakshatra, happen to be Dhatu, then the stolen wealth is iron, stone, copper,
earth, bronze, gold, silver, lead- minerals as such. If in the Dhatu Rasi, the
Navamsa, the asterism and the conjoined planet signify Moola, the stolen article
is made of roots or treasure. If in the Dhatu Rasi, the Navamsa, the asterism
and the joining planet are Jeeva, then images and idols made of metals are the
stolen articles.

If all the factors involved signify the Moola, it indicates vegetables, sprouts
and fruits. If the Rasi signifies Moola and the rest of the factors signify
Dhatu, it is jaggery, dry fuel, clothes and all burnt things. If the Rasi is
Moola and the other factors are Jeeva, then images made of wood and animals
living in the holes of trees, parrots, nests, cowshed, etc., are indicated.

If the rasi and the other factors are Jeeva it indicates elephants and other
animals, governess who take care of children, pregnant women, shepherds, etc. If
the Rasi is jeeva and the remaining factors are Dhatu, things indicated are
half-burnt things, corpses and bones. If the Rasi if Jeeva and the others
signify Moola, the things indicated are claws of tigers, skins, hair of animals,
tusk of an elephant, horns and woolen blankets.


The lost articles should be ascertained on the basis of Arudha and Navamsa:
Aries governs Dhatus like gold, coins (pana), silver, copper, lead lamps and
vessels and iron.
Taurus governs Moola like clothes, trousers, hats, hard dress, sandal, all
things made of cotton, beds, pillows, etc.
Gemini has governance over Jeevas like snakes and bears, wild flies and bees,
rats, wild cats, etc.
Cancer governs Dhatus like pick ax, swords and other weapons.
Leo governs Moolas like roots, rice plants, chunna, betel leaf, blackgram,
littlegram, plantains, jack fruits and mangoes.
Virgo governs Jeeva like all flesh used by women while eating.
Libra rules Dhatu like butter milk, milk, curd, skins, blankets.
Scorpio governs Moola like family of fruits and roots, poisonous planets,
pepper, liquor and opium, etc.
The first half of Sagittarius indicates human vargas and the 2nd half elephants,
horses, snakes and cocks.
Capricorn is similar to Cancer.
Aquarius is similar to Leo.
Pisces has all those things given for Gemini as well as serpents and fishes.


All signs can be divided into four parts, Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva and Mrita.
The first Drekkana of every rasi is Dhatu, the 2nd is Moola and the third is
Jeeva. This is the view of Madhavacharya.
If a planet is placed in the Dhatu portion of a Nara Rasi, bangles, chains,
swords, small bells and such things useful to men are signified. Planets
occupying the Dhatu portion in a watery rasi denote water pots and cooking


For the time of query, the longitudes of the Moon and Gulika are to be
calculated and the stronger of the two is treated as Arudha. From it, the
nature of the wealth lost as Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva, etc. should be ascertained.


1. The Rasmis or rays contributed by the different planets are respectively: the
Sun 30, the Moon 28, Mars 8, Mercury 6, Jupiter 9, Venus 7, Saturn 3, and Rahu
and Ketu 2 each. The Rasmis of the planets joining or aspecting the lagna
indicate the number of articles lost in theft.
2. Find the number of planets aspecting Aruda Lagna and Chattira Rasi, so many
numbers, or as many as the number of rays of these planets, and if the lord of
the rasi aspects it, that planet's number of rays, or if a very powerful planet
aspects, its rays; all these should be added together and the number of lost
articles determined according to the strength of the planet and rasi.
3. To determined the number of articles lost: Out of the 12 signs find out which
is aspected by the most powerful planet and take the rays of that planet. If
this rasi is movable keep the same number, if fixed double the numbers of rays
and if dual treble the number.
4. The number of stolen articles is to be determined as follows: The rasi that
has revealed the stolen articles is to be considered and the number should be
ascertained: If it is Aries 7, Taurus 5, Gemini 12, Cancer 6, Leo 8, Virgo 6,
Libra 7, Scorpio 7, Sagittarius 13, Capricorn 10, Aquarius 6, and Pisces 15.


1. The direction to which the stolen property has been taken is indicated by
planets in the angles. In case there are no planets there, then through the
direction of the rasi indicated by the lagna.
2.If the Moon is in the lagna, the stolen article is gotten in the direction
indicated by the rasi on the lagna, and if the Sun is in the direction it is got
in the direction of the lagna.
3. Note the planet aspecting the Aruda Lagna and Chattira Rasi, the lost article
will be in the direction attributed to such planet.
4. Count the number of signs from lagna to Taurus and count the same number from
Taurus. Find the direction occupied by the lord of the resultant rasi at that
time. The lost article will be in that direction.
5. If the lagna is strong, the stolen wealth is in the direction signified by
6. If the lagna is not strong, the direction is to be ascertained from the
planet aspecting the lagna.
7. The stolen property is in the direction signified by Arudha. If there is a
planet in Arudha, that can be taken into consideration.
8. The direction of the place where the stolen property has been kept would be
signified by the position of Moon i.e. if Moon be in lagna it would be east; if
in 10th it would be south; if in 7th it would be west and if in 4th it would be
9. If "which direction is the lost property to be secured" is the question, say
that it is in the east, south, west or north according as the Moon occupies the
lagna, the 10th, the 7th or the 4th house. When the Moon is not in a Kendra the
direction is signified by his position from the nearest quadrant, the reckoning
commencing from the lagna as east and every 45 degrees there from representing a
cardinal point in the order of east, south-east, south-west, north, north-west
and north-east; or the direction is signified by the nature of the rising rasi.
10. Find the number of signs traversed from the rasi occupied by the Sun at Sun-
rise to the required time at the rate of one hour per rasi. Count the same
number from Vrishaba. This is another Aruda Rasi. If a planet occupies this rasi
find out in what direction he is in the Yama Chart at that time. The lost
article will be in this direction. If there is no planet in the Aruda Rasi, find
out the direction occupied by the lord of this rasi for this purpose.


1. The distance to the lost or stolen article is to be told from the number of
navamsas elapsed.
2. The distance to which the stolen property has been taken will be as many
Yojanas as the rising navamsa is removed from the first navamsa or the middle
navamsa of the Lagna.


1. If Jupiter aspects or joins the lagna, the stolen article will be in
cowsheds, home of preceptors, temples, houses of chaste women. Venus indicates
the sleeping room, gardens, water tanks, houses of beautiful damsels; places
where garlands, flowers, ointment are kept safe.
Mars governs kitchen and houses of carpenters. The Sun signifies houses of
quarreling women, houses of beautiful women in the prime of their youth, watery
spots. Divide the Rasi where Jupiter stands into 4 parts of 7 1/2 degrees each.
If the planet occupies the first part, say, it is a cow shed; the 2nd part, home
of preceptors; the third part, temples and the fourth part, houses of chaste
women. The Moon denotes the house of the dancing girl, watery places,
neighborhood of lakes or seas. Mercury governs houses of young and youthful
women, houses of strong women, houses of beautiful damsels. Saturn governs
houses of old ladies, places where broken vessels are thrown away, places where
vessels in which flesh is cooked, washed or kept; muddy and airy and marshy
spots. The exact spot can be identified by dividing the Lagna as per the method
suggested in Krishneeya.
2. The country from the 5th navamsa in the lagna.
3. The place, where the stolen article is kept, will be appropriate to the
nature of the rasi in the fourth house-earthy, fiery, airy or watery. The nature
of the planet owning or occupying the 4th should also be considered. If the
planet is Saturn-a dirty place; the Moon-watery place; Jupiter-temples; Mars-
near fire; the Sun-the principal seat of the owner in his house; Venus-bed;
Mercury-place where food is served or library or money is kept.
4. If the planet involved occupies his own rasi or Navamsa, then the wealth has
not been stolen, it is still there. If the planet occupies the rasi or Navamsa
of a foe, then the wealth is in the house of his foes. If a planet occupies a
friendly rasi or Navamsa, the stolen wealth is in the possession of friends or
relations. If the planet is exalted or in exalted Navamsa, then it is in the
hands of a rich man. If it is debilitated or in debilitated Navamsa, it is in
the hands of a low-born man. The details can be read from Arudha and Navamsa
5. If the Moon is not aspected or associated by any planet, then the lost
article will be kept in a vessel made to Dhatu, Moola or Jeeva as indicated by
the Arudha rasi.
6. For the time of query, the longitudes of the Moon and Gulika are to be
calculated and the stronger of the two should be treated as Arudha. The rasi
occupied by the lord of the 2nd from Arudha indicates the place where the stolen
wealth is hidden. According as this lord occupies a moveable, or a fixed or a
common rasi, the stolen wealth is far off, is near, is midway.


1. The description, and form of the thief is indicated by the drekkana rising;
the age and caste of the thief is indicated by the lagna lord.
2. The caste, color, qualities and form of the thief if will correspond to the
nature of the strongest planet placed in the 7th house.
3. If an odd rasi is in the 7th under the aspect of a male planet, the thief is
a male otherwise a female.
4. If the lord of the 7th is a feminine planet or is in a feminine rasi or is
joined with or aspected by feminine planets, the thief is a female if contrary,
the thief is a male.
5. If the weak Moon is placed in the 12th house, the thief's left eye will be
blind and if the weak Sun is placed in the 12th house, his right eye will be
6. If any planet aspects the Moon, the thief will be of the appearance of such a
7. The thief will have been assisted by a person signified by the strongest of
planets occupying the lagna, the 7th or the 10th.
8. By carefully studying the Navamsa dispositions of the lagna lord, ascertain
the age, size, caste, etc., of the thief. If a masculine planet aspects a
masculine rasi the thief is a male, while a feminine planet aspecting a feminine
rasi will indicate the thief as a female. If an odd rasi rises with a masculine
planet in it the thief is a male and is an even rasi rises with a feminine
planet in it, the thief is a female. Thus one has to find out from the lagna and
9. The size and shape of the thief will be similar to Lagna Drekkana, and the
lord of Lagna will show his build, color, dress and vesha (appearance). Here
also the strongest should be taken into consideration.
10. The appearance and caste of the thief will be exactly similar to that of the
lord of the lagna.
11. According to Madhava, the 6th house is to be considered to identify the
thief. The planet that occupies the 6th house or the lord of the 6th reveals
the caste, name and appearance of the thief.
12. The thief's appearance will correspond to the rising Drekkana if the lagna
is strong. If it is weak, it will correspond to the shape of the planet
occupying the 7th, or the strongest of the planets disposed in quadrants
describe the appearance of the thief. If there are many planets there will be
many thieves and the nature of the thieves should be ascertained from the planet
in retrogression.
13. Similarly if the planet signifying the thief (the lagna lord) is in its own
vargas, the questioner will be the thief; in the vargas of the 2nd lord, family
members; in those of the third lord, brothers; of the fourth lord, mother; of
the 5th lord, children, etc. If such a planet is in the 6th or 8th, the thief
will be an enemy.
14. The habitation of Jupiter and Mercury is in villages; the Moon and Venus in
watery places; the Sun, Mars and Saturn in forest regions; Virgo, Libra and
Sagittarius in cities; Gemini, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus in villages; Leo and
Capricorn (first half) in forests; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and the latter
part of Capricorn in water. The birthplace of the thief will be in accordance
with the habitation of the planet ruling the thief.
15. Examine the habitation of Thief planet and settle the birthplace of the
thief. The residence of the thief should be ascertained from the rasi occupied
by the thief planet. If the habitation and residence of the planet happen to be
the same, then he is living in the place of his birth.
16. The first Drekkana indicates 'standing', the 2nd Drekkana indicates 'lying
down' and the third indicates 'sitting'. Thieves also can be considered to be in
this stage. 'Human Drekkanas' denote the most distinguished amongst the thieves.
Monkey-face, horse-face, dog' face, pig's face, serpent - these Drekkanas
indicate very bad persons amongst thieves.
17. The shape of the thief, his dress and weapons are all to be determined from
the nature of the 36 Drekkanas as detailed in Brihat Jataka.
18. The location of the house of the thief is indicated by the rasi occupied by
the lord of the 6th.
19. According as the significator happens to be Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars,
Saturn or the Sun, the thief will respectively be a youth, a boy, a middle-aged
person, a young person, an old man and a very old person.

Dewavrat Buit
M.Sc.(Maths), Jyotisha Shastri,
Radionic Analyst,
4A; Pranesh Appartments,
SA Road, Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur 440022
Ph. 917123295442

Prasna II


Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few Prasna Masters these days, my Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath is one of them who has learnt the prasna techniques in his traditon of shri Acyta dasa. I am not going into the very basic ideas of the calculations such as Chhatra rasi, Trisphuta, Chautasphuta etc. I am concentrating on some of the rare principles of Prasna. It may be possible that it will be a repeatation for scholars in Prasna.

Roga Mrityu Vichar


1. If Panchasphuta happens to be the Janma Nakshatra of the questioner, or its
trines or the 3rd, 5th or 7th Nakshatras, or the 88th quarter from the quarter
of his asterism, or Revati, then predict that the questioner will die soon.
2. By multiplying Lagnasphuta by 9, we get Pranasphuta. By multiplying the Moon
by 9, we get Dehasphuta. By multiplying Gulika by 9, we get Mrityusphuta. If
Pranasphuta and Dehasphuta mutually aspect or combine, and they are free from
the aspect or association of Mrityusphuta, then predict 'long life'. If
Dehasphuta is afflicted by Mrityusphuta, predict long sickness. If Pranasphuta
is in any way conjoined with Mrityusphuta, say there will be fits and
3. If lagna navamsa, Chandra nvamsa and Gulika navamsa are dual rasis, predict
death. If they are fixed signs, predict sickness. If in movable signs, predict
sound health and long life. If these Amsas happen to be in mutual trines, severe
illness will result; if they aspect mutually, they cause stupor; and if they are
conjoined in a house trine to Cancer, death is certain.
4. Take the time of Prasna in ghatikas and vighatikas; convert it into
vighatikas; multiply it by 6. then divide the number by 562. Then we get the
Rasi and from the remainder, calculate degrees and minutes. The Sphuta so got
must be then subtracted from Gulikasphuta. If this happens to fall in the
nakshatra of the native, predict death; or if any of his relatives happen to be
born in this Sphuta Nakshatra, then predict that relative will die.
5. If Arudha, lagna or their navamsas are in the Rasi or Navamsa holding Gulika,
then the questioner will have bad diseases. If the majority are connected with
Gulika, the questioner will die.
6. If benefics occupy or aspect the lagna, 5th, 9th or 10th, there will be no
sickness, but if they are in depression or inimical houses or if they aspect
from such places there will be ailments.
7. If the Navamsas of Mandi, Moon and Lagna (going under the names of Mrityu,
Deha and Prana respectively) fall in moveable rasis, then there will be long
life and good health. If they fall in fixed rasis, the sickness will drag on for
a long time. If they fall in dual rasis or if they are found in one and the same
Rasi, there will be death. If these aspect one another, there will be sudden
fits and unconsciousness. If they are in trines, there will be incurable
8. If Prana and Deha or Deha and Mrityu or Prana and Mrityu Sphutas are found in
the same sign or aspect each other, then there will be long life, increase of
sickness, and fits and unconsciousness respectively.
9. If Trisphuta occupies Samhara (destructive) Khanda, Rasi or Nakshatra, or if
it is in conjunction with evil planets, or if it happens to be the 28th quarter
from the clients nakshatra pada or if it happens to be the 3rd, 5th, or 7th
nakshatra from the clients Janma Nakshatra, or if it happens to be his Anujanma
Nakshatra, then predict 'death'.
10. If Trisphuta happens to fall in Srishti (creative) Khanda, Srishti Rasi,
Srishti Nakshatra, or if it conjoins with good planets or if it occupies Aries,
Leo or Sagittarius Navamsas, predit longevity to the questioner.
11. When Trisphuta falls in a particular nakshatra and along with a particular
event, predict death:
Nakshatras 1, 10, 19- a quarrel within three days.
Nakshatras 2, 11, 20- a poor old Brahmin turning up in three days.
Nakshatras 3, 12, 21- fear from fire or a huge conflagration.
Nakshatras 4, 13, 22- loss or destruction of vessels or clothes.
Nakshatras 5, 14, 23- sickness or wounds to any one in the family.
Nakshatras 6, 15, 24- a serpent seen anywhere in the house.
Nakshatras 7, 16, 25- a pious and noble Brahamin's visit.
Nakshatras 8, 17, 26- death of a quadruped.
Nakshatras 9, 18, 27- fall from a tree of a servant and putting out of the light
by a destructive fly or death news.


1. Always note the strength of the navamsa lagna. If it is subject to benefic
aspects, the querist derives favourable results. Malefic aspects cause
unfavourable results.
2. If the lords of the Arudha, the lagna, the Moon and the Sun, and the lords of
houses occupied by these four lords, are exalted in Navamsa or otherwise strong,
then the questioner will be fortunate and happy. If the above- mentioned lords
are weak, the condition of the questioner will not be good. If they are in
debilitation or inimical navamsas, then the condition of the querist will be
very unfortunate.
3. If the lord of the Arudha is weak and the 8th lord is strong, then the
questioner will be beset on all sides by danger. If the lords of Arudha and 9th
are strong and the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th are weak, then there will be
of all kinds of fortune.
4. If the lagna is in the vargas of waning Moon, Saturn, Mars and the Sun, there
will be death, disease, loss of money and other unfavorable results. If the
lagna is in the vargas of Mercury, there will be increase in knowledge and
intelligence. If the lagna is in the vargas of the waxing Moon, Jupiter and
Venus, there will be good health, influx of money, birth of children and
realization of ambitions.
5. If the lagna lord is exalted, the person will be wealthy and strong, will
have fame and good name and will overcome his enemies; if in Moolatrikona, one
will have plenty of clothes and ornaments and happiness; if own or friendly
house, one will live happily with money, wife and children and relations
overcoming his enemies and difficulties; if in inimical place, there will be
sickness, trouble from kings and thieves, fear from fire and calamities to wife
children and friends. If in debilitation, the person lives in a foreign place
being driven out by poverty, loss of position, etc. If in combustion or with
Gulika or malefic planets, the person lives maimed in a foreign place, through
the machinations of enemies or the orders of the rulers, or he will be dead.
6. If at the time of query, the lagna falls in the Hora of the Sun, the querist
would not enjoy happiness in childhood. Later by his own efforts he would get a
lift in life and become wealthy.
7. If the lagna falls in the Hora of the Moon, the querist would be happy in
childhood and face difficulties later in life.
8. If the lord of the Trimsamsa lagna is associated with a benefic the native
would enjoy happiness in every way.
9. If the lord of the Trimsamsa lagna is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the
native may earn the displeasure of the King.
10. If Arudha rasi or navamsa coincides with the exaltation rasi of the lord of
the week-day, then the querist will live long enjoying sound health.
11. If the Arudha rasi or navamsa falls in the debilitation rasi of the lord of
the week-day concerned, death will occur.
12. If Gandanthamsa happens to be in Arudha or Lagna, or the 8th from them,
aspected by malefics, then death will happen.
13. If the lord of the Trimsamsa lagna at the time of birth or query, is a
malefic planet, eclipsed or in its sign of debilitation, the native would have
misunderstanding with his relatives.


The matters to be judged from the first drekkana of the lagna of query to the
last drekkana of the 12th house are: (1) The king, (2) his commander-in-chief
(3) royal astrologer, (4) priest and doctor, servants (5) status and prowess,
(6) dealings and army (7) food (8) sleeping (9) sitting (10) vehicles (11) seat
and couch (12) eating and drinking (13) prince (14) counsel and strength (15),
(16), (17) and (18) enemy, (19) resting of the army (20) wealth (21) magistrate
imposing punishments on the guilty (22) troubles to the army (23) mutiny in the
army (24) commander-in-chief (25) health of the army (26) soldiers (27) four-fold strength (28) actions (29) treasury (30) fructification of results (31) meritorious deeds
(32) actions (33) wealth (34) soldiers (35) worship (36) end of travel.Good and bad results relating to these are to be foretold according to conjunction and aspect on the drekkanas of benefic and malefic planets.


1. If Chandra Navamsa Rasi is associated with good planets, a good period ahead
is indicated. If this Rasi is afflicted, then a bad future is going to set in.
2. Jupiter in Chandra navamsa rasi gives the birth of a son. Jupiter
debilitated, denotes quarrels with Brahmins.
3. Venus in Chandra navamsa rasi provides fresh clothes and happiness from
4. Mercury in Chandra navamsa rasi indicates success in litigation.
5. Afflicted Mercury in Chandra navamsa rasi will give rise to failure to
6. The full Moon in Chandra navamsa rasi gives beautiful things.
7. The weak Moon in Chandra navamsa rasi causes mental worry.
8. The Sun in Chandra navamsa rasi causes anger of rulers and gods.
9. Mars in Chandra navamsa rasi causes strife without reason, and litigation
connected with landed property.
10. Saturn in Chandra navamsa rasi brings about loss of produce in lands,
diseases to cattle, and sufferings to
11. Rahu in Chandra navamsa rasi causes fear from poison, serpents, and troubles
to inferior servants.
12. Ketu in Chandra navamsa rasi causes troubles from ghosts.
13. Gulika in Chandra navamsa rasi causes trouble in the shape of Abhichara.
These results will be experienced within the number of months indicated by the
number of Navamsas traversed by the Moon; or the number of navamsas counted from
Aries. The period can also be determined by the number of navamsas the lagna has


1. If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of the Sun, then a king or a distinguished
personage will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of the Moon, some woman will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Mars, some armed man will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Mercury, a flower-maker or a learned man
will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Jupiter, a Brahmin will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Venus, a dancing girl will show up.
If Prasna time is in the Kala Hora of Saturn, a merchant, a servant or a
Buddhist monk will show up.
If lord of Kala Hora is in a kendra from Lagna, the results will be further
2. Strong planets disposed in quadrants or the eleventh house indicate that at
the time of the query there will be visitors, male or female, according to the
sex signified by the concerned planet, wearing clothes of the following colors:
the Sun red, the Moon- white, Mars- red, Mercury- green, Jupiter- yellow, Venus-
variegated, and Saturn-black.


1. If the lord of the Hora in which Ascendant falls at the time of query, is
associated with a malefic and a retrograde planet, the eyes and face of the
querist would not be good looking.
2. One would have an ugly face with deformed teeth, tongue, lips etc. if the Sun
and Moon together or the Moon separately is under the influence of two malefics.
3. If the lord of the Drekkana lagna is associated with a waning Moon and a
malefic, the body of the querist would be very hairy or they may suffer from ear
disease or back trouble.
4. Considering the movable, fixed or dual nature of the lagna and the navamsa
lagna, one has to infer the whereabouts of the questioner - whether he is at
home or in a far away place, etc. This can also be read from the rasi and
navamsa occupied by the lord of Arudha. If any contradiction is discovered
between the two, the stronger of the two should be considered.
5. If the lord of Arudha occupies the Rasi of a benefic planet, it is to be
inferred that the questioner lives in a beautiful house, palace or temple. If
the lord occupies the Rasi of a malefic planet, then the house will be situated
in the locality of mlechhas or the house will be unclean. According as the lord
is associated with benefics or malefics, the person will have company of good or
bad men.


1. The figure signified by the rasi occupied by the Lord of Drekkana in which
lagna falls at the time of query, would indicate the number of brothers the
querist would have. If this Drekkana lord is associated with or aspected by a
benefic, the brothers would be long-lived, otherwise their longevity would be
poor. The relationship between the sibling would depend on the nature of planet
or planets associated with the Drekkana lord.
2. If the Lord of Drekkana lagna is associated with male planets, the querist
would be having brothers, if the planets are female, sisters.
3. If the drekkana lagna falls in a male sign, brothers would be born after the
querent, if it falls in a female sign sisters would be born after the querent.
4. If the lord of lagna and the lord of the Drekkana lagna are friends, there
would be happiness in respect of siblings.
5. If the Lord of the Drekkana lagna is in the 6th or 8th house, from the lagna
lord brothers and sisters would suffer from injuries on account of their own


1. The querist would have the same good fortune and prosperity as his father, if
at birth or at the time of query, the lord of the Dwadasamsa lagna falls in the
lagna of the rasi.
2. If the lord of the Dwadasamsa lagna is in 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native
and his parents would not enjoy bodily happiness.
3. If the lord of the Dwadasamsa lagna is in 11th, the native would get and
enjoy the hidden wealth of his parents. It would not be so if in debilitation,
eclipsed or with a malefic.

1. The lords of the 8th, 12th and 6th from Arudha, planets in these houses,
planets in debilitation, in combustion, evil planets in the 2nd, angles and
trines houses, the lords of the house and navamsa occupied by Gulika, and the
lords of the 3rd, 5th and 7th nahskatras from Trisphuta nakshatra cause
2. Benefic planets occupying the 2nd, angles trines, and the lords of the 9th
and 11th cause invariably good results.
3. If the lord of the Trisphuta nakshatra is in the Vipat, Pratyak or Naidhana
stars; or occupies Arudha Rasi or evil houses; and if the lords of these Rasis
are debilitated, combust or in association with the lord of the sign occupied by
Gulika, the Dasa results will be unfavorable.

Calculate the Dasas from the Moon, Trisphuta and also Gulika. Consider which
would-be appropriate in regard to the question concerned. Prasna results are to
be told either for 1 year or for 1 month on the basis of the yearly or monthly


If the planet aspecting the 6th is the Sun, the seat of
disease is the belly.

If the planet aspecting the 6th is the Moon the seat of
disease is in the eyes

If the planet aspecting the 6th is Rahu, the root of disease
is venomous bites or poison.

From the rising nakshatra the parts of the body affected should be stated: ears.


Note the planet which aspects the Moon and the 6th house,
there will be recovery in the time of that planet. The Sun- Ayana, 6 months. If
there are several planets the period relating to the most powerful planet has to
be taken.

Note the planet which aspects the Moon and the 6th house,
there will be recovery in the time of that planet. Ketu- 3 months. If there are
several planets the period relating to the most powerful planet has to be taken.

The disease may have begun when the Moon transited the rasi occupied by the lord
of the 6th, Jupiter, and recovery will begin when the Moon enters the rasi
occupied by the lord of the 4th, Venus.

If the 6th lord occupies a movable rasi, recovery will be rapid.


1. The disease will have commenced when the lagna, lagna lord, or the Moon was
last afflicted by malefics. When benefics associate or aspect any one of them,
recovery will begin. When all the three get the association or aspect of good
planets, the person will completely recover.
2. When the Moon enters lagna rasi, navamsa, or dwadasamsa, or the Rasi occupied
by Gulika, the illness will subside.
3. If the sickness had begun in a nakshatra preceding Ashtama Rasi (8th rasi)
from the natal Moon, then relief will be obtained after the Moon moves through
the nakshatras of the Ashtama Rasi.
4. The occurrence of disease should be predicted from dustha (in bad houses,
6th, 8th 12th) planets and the recovery should be foretold from sustha (in good
houses, angles and trines) planets. When the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter transited
the sign occupied by the worst dustha planet, sickness might have commenced. The
disease is brought about by the dissatisfaction of the deity indicated by the
planet concerned. When however these three planets enter the rasi occupied by
the most favorable sushta planet, the symptoms of recovery can be seen. For
recovery the aid of the appropriate deities governed by the favorable planets
should be sought.
5. If the lord of the 6th has slow motion, recovery will be very slow. If his
speed is great, recovery will be rapid.


If the lord of the 6th or the planet occupying the 6th is a planet of diurnal
strength (Sun, Venus, Jupiter) then the sickness began during day-time.

1. Of Prana, Mrityu and Deha, if Deha is greater, the sickness of the man will
abate. If Prana is greater, sickness will increase. If Mrityu is greater, he
will die.
2. The above-mentioned effects can also be gleaned by a consideration of the
greater longitude of the Navamsas
of the Lagna, the Moon and Gulika. If the Lagna longitude is greater than
Chandra's longitude, the result is,
increase of sickness. If vice versa, there will be abatement of the disease.
If Mandyamsa which is Mrityu is
greater, then the result could be fatal.
3. If Mrityusphuta falls in Aslesha, Jyeshta or Revati, predict death.


1. The sickness will have commenced on the day ruled by the nakshatra (when the
Moon is in the nakshatra) arrived at by counting as many nakshatra from the
Moon's, as the Moon’s nakshatra is removed from the nakshatra of the Lagna.
2. Either in the nakshatras arrived by multiplying Mandi's longitude by 9 and 12
or in the nakshatra corresponding to the sum of the longitudes of the Moon and
Mandi, sickness might have commenced.
3. The sickness commenced as many months back as are signified by either:
1. The number of rasis passed by the lord of the 6th from the Arudha
2. The number of nakshatras from Prasna nakshatra to that held by the lord
of the 6th.
3. The number arrived at by multiplying 2 by the number of navamsas gained
by the lord of the 6th.
4. The number of the direction from which the messenger or the sick man put in
his first query to the astrologer, counted from the East, will
give the time in terms of yamas (1/8 day) when sickness began.
5. Sickness might have commenced when the most unfavorable planet amongst the
Moon, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn transited the rasi corresponding to the first
letter in the communication regarding the disease.


1. To answer a question pertaining to disease and its cure or otherwise,
consider the lagna as signifying the physician, the seventh disease, the tenth
ill person and the fourth medicine or treatment.
2. According as the expired portion of the sign occupied by the 6th lord is less
or more than half, the person's sickness will linger long or will be cured soon.
3. If Saturn is in the ninth house combined or aspected by malefics, and not
having conjunction and aspect of benefics, the ill person goes to a foreign
4. If there is friendship between the lords of the 1st and 10th houses, the
treatment being appropriate to the disease, the illness will be cured, (the
doctor and ill person will work together. Otherwise the disease aggravates.)
5. If on the 4th or 7th day prior to the query, the Sun and the Moon were
subject to benefic influences the ill person will recover.
6. If the lord of Lagna is weak or situated between malefics the sickness will
linger long.
7. If the Moon is weak the sickness will linger long.
8. At the time of query, if Indradhanus (Rainbow) or Pariveda (Halo) is found on
the sky, the ailment will not be cured but if benefics aspect the lagna from
exaltation, own or friendly houses recovery can be expected soon.
9. If the lagna is in the dwadasamsa of the Sun, the ill person dies.
10. If the lagna, the lagna lord, and the Moon are joined or hemmed by malefics,
while the Moon is waning in the 6th, 8th or 12th, and evil planets are in the
6th, 8th or 12th the sick person will not live.
11. The Sun governs fever, rise of temperature all over the body and brain fag.
The Moon rules dysentery. Mars indicates wounds and sores. Mercury denotes
diseases that make one unable to think or speak or see. Jupiter causes pain all
over the body and mental upsets. Venus causes swelling. Saturn governs
disability to stretch or to fold one's hands and legs. Rahu governs fall from an
elevated place. Ketu indicates wounds. If the sick man has the diseases
signified by the lord of Thrisphuta Navamsa or by the lord associated with
Thrisphuta, then predict death.
12. If a malefic is in the lagna or the 8th house and aspects the sign occupied
by Moon in the natal chart of the ill person they surely dies.
13. The direction towards which the sick man or messenger was found facing by
the astrologer indicates the place where the querist had his first attack of
14. The number of men found along with the sick man or messenger at the time of
query indicates the number of persons attending the sick man during his illness.
The nature of the people will also be similar.

1. The location of the disease can be known from the rasi of arudha or lagna.
2. The ailment is due to the planet influencing the Arudha.
2. There will be wounds or diseases in the body parts indicated by the rasis
aspected by or associated with malefics.
3. For purposes of Prasna, the allocation of organs to different houses
beginning from Lagna as done in Krishneeya should be followed. The expired and
unexpired portions of Lagna represent the right and left sides of the head, the
neck and navel. Two houses each beginning from Lagna - 1st in the invisible half
and the other in the visible half indicate the right and left sides respectively
of the other organs thus: the 2nd and 12th - ears, shoulders and sex organs; 3rd
and 11th - eyes, sides and testicles; 4th and 10th - nostrils, back and thighs;
5th and 9th- cheeks and knees; 6th and 8th - chin, stomach and legs; and the
unexpired and expired portions of the 7th - mouth, waist and feet.

If diseases begin in Jyeshta, Swati, Aslesha, Aridra, Purva Phalgun,
Poorvashadha or Poorvabhadra, recovery is impossible.

Dewavrat Buit
M.Sc.(Maths),Jyotisha Shastri,
Radionic Analyst
4A; Pranesh Appartments,
SA Road, Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur 440022
Ph. 917123295442