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Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Presnetly I am engaged in teaching the Vedanga Jyotish at BA and MA level at Courses conducted by Kavi Kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. I have learnt the basics of jyotish under the guidance of HoraBhushan Shri V.V.Divekar of Nagpur. I am a disciple of Pandit Shri Sanjay Rath of Puri (Orissa) and is learning advance Jyotish in his guidance. My main interests in Jyotish are Prenatal Jyotish (Adhan Kundali), Chakras in Jyotish, Astrometeorology, Studies in Rainfall, Astrological applications in Finance, Shares, Commodites prices, Jaimini Astrology etc. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LEARNING SYSTEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIME IN INDIA. ONE IS DIRECT, IN WHICH GURUKUL PARAMPARA IS A WELL KNOWN SYSYTEM, WHERE THE GURU TEACHES HIS SHISHYA DIRECTLY. THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM WHICH IS INDIRECT AND IS FAMOUS AS EKALAVYA SYSTEM. THIS CAN BE COMPARED WIH THE PRESENT AGE DISTANT LEARNING SYSTEMS. THIS BLOG WILL BE USEFUL TO ALL THOSE VEDANGA JYOTISH SYUDENTS WHO WANTS TO STUDY JYOTISH BUT CANNOT GO TO A GURU AND LEARN DIRECTLY.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Astrological Birth Control in Vedanga Jyotish

Astrological Birth Control in Vedanga Jyotish
THE great Varahamihira has observed that the menses of a woman are due to the interaction of Mars and the Moon and that it is caused every month by the transit of Mars through certain sensitive points in the horoscope. This is full of significance and offers considerable scope for those who would wish to make some researches in the field of astro-biology. That the intra-uterine life has a natural course to follow in accordance with certain astronomical factors is no more a disputed fact. That all human activities have a period of inward formation followed by an outward manifestation and final extinction or dissolution is an admitted fact. Medical men are now beginning to realize that every normal woman experiences menstruation with a considerable degree of regularity from the age of puberty onwards upto the menopause. It is no doubt clear that the cycle is controlled from within the body by the regular operation of the ductless gland system, but a little reflection will also show that the various glandular secretions are in their turn controlled by what appear to be outside agencies, viz., planetary vibrations.
Every life-activity is rhythmic in character. It cannot be denied that, given all the conditions needed, there cannot be germination of a planet seed in the absence of requisite quantities of solar energy. Therefore, the planetary vibrations-energies of different wave-lengths-must be controlling our glandular secretions also. Take a horoscope in which the Sun and the Moon are subject to a number of evil influences. You will find that the native will be lazy; he will have low power of vitality, the intellect will be dull and he will be weak-minded. The front pituitary is the gland of intellect. A prominent front pituitary tends to a tall body and a strong intellect and to masculine expression. Men with a weak front pituitary tend to be feminine in expression. What endocrinology can suggest after prolonged investigation, astrology can reveal by a mere examination of the horoscope. Therefore it is evident that the movements of planets are primarily responsible for the causation of menstruation.

With a view to avoid pregnancy, all sorts of mechanical and chemical contrivances were designed. They were all the methods for use by women designed to close the opening of the uterus, or intended to wash away the spermatozoa immediately after the intercourse. In other words, all these artificial methods of prevention of conception do not only not give the happiness sought in sexual intercourse, but they are “sinful just as adultery is”. It is a deliberate interference with the psycho-physiological laws of generation and with the laws of nature. It is also an attempt to hinder souls of their chance of evolution, by depriving them of the physical vehicles necessary fro their spiritual growth. The grounds of religious disapproval of contraception are variously expressed. Contraception violates the will of God, and the intention of nature which expresses His will by frustrating the purpose of marriage. Marriage is turned to personal pleasure. Contraception encourages the dominance of physical passion over spiritual values and moral self-control, leading to self-indulgence in and out of marriage. It degrades marriage to a selfish pursuing of personal pleasure and deprives the husband and the wife of the moral growth that comes from spritualising their relationship and accepting the responsibility of parenthood when children come.
Leaving aside the moral grounds on which contraception is condemned, it has now been found that the mechanical and chemical methods have different disadvantages. The only ‘natural’ method, viz., coitus interruptus is supposed to cause shock to the nervous system of both man and woman; it is physically very unpleasant and the psychological effects may lead to symptoms of impotence.
The only perfect method is either continence or intercourse during certain ‘infertile’ days about which astrology has already given us a number of clues, which biologists and sexologists will do well to consider a hundred times before rejecting them as superstitious.

The wisdom of the ancients in suggesting that cohabitation done on certain days in regard to the day of menstruation does not result in pregnancy becomes evident from the following details.
If menstruation and pregnancy depend upon interaction of the influences of the Moon and Mars, then the ovum cannot be fertile during certain days so that sexual contact on such days cannot result in conception. In order to understand the process of conception sufficiently well, we have to know some more facts. What makes the ovary and the uterus behave in a certain way at a certain definite time?
The ovary, the seat of germ cells or eggs, ripens an ovum. As the ova are ranged near the surface of the ovary, the growth of the ovum causes the ovary to bulge at the point concerned until finally the follicle bursts and sheds the ovum. The ovum, a tiny white ball travels down into the uterus through the oviduct. A coating of albumen is collected by the ovum as it is gently propelled on its way towards the uterus. Here the ovum is either fertilized by the spermatozoa of the male, or is thrown out along with blood by the contraction of uterus, so that menstruation is caused. The empty follicle which produced the egg then becomes what is known as a corpus luteum which also produces a hormone, known as the luteal hormone. This hormone prepares the uterus to receive the ovum if and when fertilized.
An obvious deduction is that there can be no conception if there is no egg present to be fertilized. Is it possible to discover the point in the menstrual cycle when the egg makes its appearance? Professor Knaus discovered by experiment on women, injecting pituitary hormone, that the uterus reacted in the normal way to the hormone, up to the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle. On the sixteenth day the uterus ceased to make any significant movements, and did not respond to much larger injections of pituitary hormone. The only explanation possible was that the yellow body (corpus luteum) assumed control of affairs on the sixteenth day of the cycle. This control persisted until a day before the next menstruation. On that day, the last of the cycle, the uterus movements began once more, proving that the pituitary hormones could once more take effect, and that the yellow body had disintegrated because no fertilization had taken place. The various investigations carried out by scientists on rabbits, and our nearer ancestors the apes, have only confirmed the grand astrological truth that the fertility of the human female is confined to a certain period during the menstrual cycle.
The ovum (female egg) is found to be born exactly fifteen days before the next menstruation. It follows that in all normal cases, the interval between ovulation and the next menstruation is invariably the same in every woman. If for example, a woman’s menstruation begins on March 1, and the next menstruation starts on March 29, hers is a twenty-eight-day cycle; the yellow body assumes control on the 14th day before menstruation. Therefore the date and birth of the yellow body is 15th March. Ovum is produced one day earlier, i.e., ovulation takes place on 14th March. Sexual intercourse any time in the 48 hours preceding ovulation, or in the 24 hours following, can lead to impregnation. Therefore the woman must abstain from intercourse on 12th, 13th and 14th. If the menstrual cycle has been correctly estimated, conception cannot result from intercourse outside these dates. No conception is fortuitous or takes place by chance, but that all conceptions happen at a time when the exact degree of the zodiac then rising, setting or culminating has certain ‘fertile’ influences.
But still the above method, according to which ‘safe’ periods for intercourse can be found out, does not seem to be as reliable ad those already known to astrology. For, in our own observations as well as in those of a number of our friends, records have shown that impregnation has taken place, as the result of intercourse indulged in on other days than the 15th, 16th and 17th days before the end of the menstrual cycle. The following case in the records from my master, may be taken as an example. Born on 16-10-1918 at 2-20 p.m. (I.S.T.) at Bangalore.
In this horoscope, Mars aspects the 2nd, 5th and 6th from Lagna. On 31st December 1945, when the Moon was transiting an Upachaya from Lagna, viz., Scorpio, the lady went into menses. IT will be seen that the Moon was passing through a sensitive point, viz., radical Mars. According to the theory of the scientists given above, the birth of the yellow body would happen on 14th January, and ovulation would take place on 13th January taking into consideration that the menstrual cycle in this case is of 28 days duration. Intercourse from January 10 to 15 (both days included) can result in conception which is not possible outside these dates. As a matter of fact, on January 3, when the Moon was passing through an Apachaya Rasi, intercourse took place which resulted in conception. Therefore, the above scientific theory which we have discussed at length is not as dependable as the astrological theories according to which sexual intercourse at certain fixed times cannot result in conception. The safe method given above is of significance. Probably a little more astrological research would reveal to us the dangerous days on which it would be safe to avoid sexual intercourse. From the details furnished above, it is evident that ovulation can take place on a date on which the Moon transits a sensitive point in the woman’s horoscope.
Let us take the case of another female born on 21-12-1911 at 8-47 p.m. (L.M.T.) Calcultta. Mars aspects the 2nd, 5th and 6th from Lagna the last being an Upachaya. The lady had menstruation on 16-10-1933, 14-11-33 and 16-12-33, coitus having taken place on 2-11-1933, 29-11-33 and 27-12-1933. First let us apply the ‘dangerous period’ test. Since menstruation occurred on 14-11-33, the yellow body assumes control on 31-10-1933 and the date of ovulation is 30-10-1933. The danger period would therefore be 29th, 30th and 31st October and to be safe, 1st November also. The sexual intercourse having occurred in a safe period, viz., 2-11-1933, did not result in pregnancy. Again, taking 16-12-1933, yellow body assumed control on 2-12-1933, ovulation took place on 1-12-1933 and the danger period was 30-11-1933 to 2-12-1933. Since coitus took place on 29-11-1933, outside the danger zone, pregnancy did not occur. The third menstruation took place on 16-12-1933. In a cycle of 28 to 30 days, the fertile periods fall between the 4th and 18th day from the beginning of the previous menstruation; therefore, 27th December to 4th January was a fertile period. Intercourse took place on 27-12-1933 which resulted in conception, the birth of the child having taken place on 22-9-1934.
Therefore the researches of scientists which have indicated to them the fringe of the true causes governing biologic phenomena, cannot be altogether ignored as the line they have now been adopting is approximating to the astrological conceptions which lay down the dictum that all biologic (which includes sexual urges also) phenomena are rhythmic or astrological in character.
Taking the above case, we find that on the first menstruation day (16-10-1933) the Moon was transiting Leo, a dry sign, aspected by radical Mars; on the second day (14-11-1933) the Moon was transiting an Upachaya, viz., Virgo and on the third menstruation day (16-12-1933) the Moon was transiting Scorpio (an Upachaya), aspected by radical Mars and hence the last configuration is capable of causing conception. The safest method of ‘birth control’ therefore seems to be to regulate sexual life in such a manner that at the time of intercourse, the fifth house is so situated that no birth of children is possible.


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