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Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Presnetly I am engaged in teaching the Vedanga Jyotish at BA and MA level at Courses conducted by Kavi Kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. I have learnt the basics of jyotish under the guidance of HoraBhushan Shri V.V.Divekar of Nagpur. I am a disciple of Pandit Shri Sanjay Rath of Puri (Orissa) and is learning advance Jyotish in his guidance. My main interests in Jyotish are Prenatal Jyotish (Adhan Kundali), Chakras in Jyotish, Astrometeorology, Studies in Rainfall, Astrological applications in Finance, Shares, Commodites prices, Jaimini Astrology etc. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LEARNING SYSTEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIME IN INDIA. ONE IS DIRECT, IN WHICH GURUKUL PARAMPARA IS A WELL KNOWN SYSYTEM, WHERE THE GURU TEACHES HIS SHISHYA DIRECTLY. THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM WHICH IS INDIRECT AND IS FAMOUS AS EKALAVYA SYSTEM. THIS CAN BE COMPARED WIH THE PRESENT AGE DISTANT LEARNING SYSTEMS. THIS BLOG WILL BE USEFUL TO ALL THOSE VEDANGA JYOTISH SYUDENTS WHO WANTS TO STUDY JYOTISH BUT CANNOT GO TO A GURU AND LEARN DIRECTLY.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Prasna IV


Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few Prasna Masters these days, my Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath is one of them who has learnt the prasna techniques in his traditon of shri Acyta dasa. I am not going into the very basic ideas of the calculations such as Chhatra rasi, Trisphuta, Chautasphuta etc. I am concentrating on some of the rare principles of Prasna. It may be possible that it will be a repeatation for scholars in Prasna.

Vivaha Prasna


Benefics in angles and trines cause marriage to occur.

Sani in the 7th in an even sign indicates that the querist is sure to get a
damsel for marriage.

Mercury, Venus or Jupiter in angles, especiialy the 7th
then marriage takes place early.

If the Moon is in the 4th, 1st, 5th, 9th, 8th or 12th aspected by or
with malefics then there will be impediments to marriage.

If the Moon is in the 4th, 1st, 5th, 9th, 8th or 12th aspected by
or with malefics then there will be impediments to marriage.


If the Moon is in any sign aspected by malefics it
has to be stated that the lady has no liking for the male; prediction can also
be made that the wife is loving another person.

the Moon and Mercury in the 6th or with malefics will make the
girl ill-tempered and unlucky.

A malefic in the 7th and a benefic in the 4th will cause the death of the wife
but the mistress will remain alive.

If Rahu is in trine to lagna or Arudha the wives of the enquirers would be
quarrelsome women, undoubtedly.

If a Malefic is in lagna or the 7th and Mars is in the 7th then the girl
will be widowed in 8 years.


A malefic in the 7th indicates that one gets a women devoid of any beauty.

If the 7th house is owned by a malefic then the wife will not be good looking.

If the Sun or Jupiter is with or aspects the
Moon the lady is chaste.

If Saturn is the 7th lord in an angle the spouse will have the upper hand.


If the lagna is even and it's lord is in an even rasi the person will have had
sex on two occasions.

If the question, "will my angry wife return home?" is asked. If Venusis
not retrograde or is combust the wife will not return.


Other planets then Jupiter or Rahu in the 3rd will cause all comforts, wealth
and enjoyments.

If Mars, Mercury, or Jupiter are in the 4th the woman will
marry a wealthy person.

If Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Jupiter are in 4th the
bride will be short lived.

If Mars is in the 7th the bride will live with another, be taken away by
another, or dies before marriage.

If Saturn or Rahu is in the 7th the bride will become a widow.

If the Moon or Jupiter is in the 9th the bride will have many

If the Sun, Mars, Venus, Rahu or Saturn are in the 9th the bride will remain


1. When the Moon transits the Moon's dwadasamsa rasi, or
it's trine, or the Chandrabhilasha rasi, or the navamsa rasi of the 7th lord the
marriage takes place. Divide the Moon's longitude in minutes by 800.
Multiply by 3 and divide the product by 200. The quotient is the Chandrabhilasha


If the Moon is debilitated or in enemies house and does not aspect
either the lagna or Arudha the bride will have no Mother. If the Sun is
debilitated or in enemies house and does not aspect either the lagna or the
Arudha the bride will have no father.
If the 7th from the lagna or Arudha is not aspected by the Sun, who
should be debilitated or in an enemies house the father of the bridegroom will
not be alive. If the 7th from the lagna or Arudha is not aspected by the Moon
who should be debilitated or in enemies house the mother of the
bridegroom will not be alive. Similar can be read the state of the brothers from
Mars, etc.


"Is the bride pure in character?"
She is pure if the lagna, lagna lord and the Moon are in rasis. If
they are all in movable rasis she will not be pure. If the Moon is in
a dual rasi and the lagna in a movable rasi her character will be suspicious. If
the Moon and Mars are in movable or dual rasis the girl will
have committed adultery in secret. If the Moon and Sani are in lagna
then her sexual impurity will be an open secret. She will definitely be guilty
of adultery if Mars and Sani occupy an angle aspected by the Moon
and Venus in the Moon's drekkana.

"Is this woman a harlot or devoted?"
She may be considered to have committed adultery in her own house if the lagna
lord or the Moon is in degree conjunction with Mars. If Mars
is in his own sign she will have committed the sin in another's house. If
the Sun is in Muthasila with Mars the intimacy is with a high
peronsage. With Mercury a trader or writer. With Venus another women. If
contrary combinations exist the lady will be pure in character. If Mars
has Musaripha with the lagna lord or the Moon then the lover is to her
liking. According as Mars is aspected by Jupiter, the Sun,
or Venusshe will be restrained by the fear of her son, the law, or
other women. If Mercury and Venustogether aspect Mars
she will be afraid of the scandal that the lover is an old man.


1. Rahu, Ketu, or Gulika occupying or aspecting the Yoga Sphuta formed by adding
the longitudes of Yama Sukra, the lagna lord and Venus, then the couple will not
have any happiness after marriage.
2. If Yama Sukra or the lord of the 10th form him occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th
from the
Arudha then marriage will not take place at the fixed time.
3. If Venusis in the 6th , 8th or 12th from Yama Sukra then marriage
will not take place at the fixed time.
4. A careful reading of the Lagna reveals the life of the bride, while that of
the 7th house gives details about the bridegroom. In this way the temperament,
history, etc. of the bride can be read from the lagna and the story of the
bridegroom can be had from the 7th.
5. The place of the bride can be had from the stronger of the lords of lagna or
6. The effects of Trimsamsas as applied to female horoscopy should be suitably
applied to prasna as well.
7. If the Arudha lord and 7th lord, interchange houses, are exalted or aspect
each other then marriage will take place.
8. If the lord of navamsa lagna is strong, in its own Rasi, Hora, Drekkana,
Saptamsa and navamsa, or with or aspected by benefics, and without malefic
influences, then one gets a girl with very fine qualities as a life partner.
9. If malefics aspected by malefics are in inimical signs in the 8th then
marriage will not take place.
10. If the planet causing Ithasala indicating marriage is afflicted by malefics
or in combustion then the querent will not succeed in getting the bride.
11. If the woman's natal the Moon happens to be the same as the Prasna
lagna or Arudha the couple will live long and beget children.
12. If the navamsa of the 7th house or lagna is with a malefic one will not
enjoy marital happiness.
13. Malefics debilitated or in inimical signs in the lagna, 7th and 8th then the
couple will die.
14. According as the Sun, Venus or both are weak the bridegroom
or bride or both will lack happiness.
15. If Mars is in the varga of Venusor Venusis in the
varga of Mars the person's wife will become a widow and be corrupt.
16. If the Moon is in the amsa of Jupiter he would of been
hugged by the lady herself with full love.
17. If the Moon is in the rasi or amsa of an enemy she will be an
enemy's lady; in own house his own wife; in exaltation rasi or amsa she will be
of superior status; if in debilitation rasi or amsa she will be of very low
caste; in a nuetrals house or amsa she will be an ordinary lady.
18. If the lagna is in the junction of two signs or nakshatras one would have
had union with a widow and if there are planets in such junctions the person
involved would have been the same castes as of the planets.
19. A malefic debilitated (in malefic sign) in the 5th aspected by inimical
planets indicates that the woman is of questionable character, that her children
will die, or that she is barren.
20. The 5th house afflicted by malefics indicates that the woman will not bear
any children. If children are born they will die. If these malefics are in
debilitation or in inimical signs then the mother will kill her children.
21. If the 7th lord is strong the querist will marry in a good and wealthy
20. If the 7th lord is weak or in debilitation of inimical sign the querist will
marry an ugly looking wife from a poor and bad family.
22. If the female planets are in friendly signs aspecting the lagna, which must
be a male sign, the wife will love the husband, otherwise the result will be
23. If the Moon is in the 7th in inimical or debilitation sign and
aspected by (malefic) inimical planets the lady should have been censured by
relatives and excommunicated.
24. If Venusis in the amsa of Mars, or Mars is in the
amsa of Venushe would have had intercourse with a lady who had no
husband or the wife of one suffering from tuberculosis.
25. If the Moon is getting the "Varga" of Jupiter she will
have conjugal bliss in a happy way.
26. If Venusgetting the "Varga" of a female planet the wife will be
27. If the Moon is in an even amsa the lady will have her own
28. If the Moon is in the varga of a malefic or aspected by it there
may be union with an enemy's wife.
29. The number of times of intercourse has to be determined from the number of
planets aspecting the lagna lord, or from the number of rays.

In an odd rasi, the nine navamsas in their order are dhata, moola, and jeeva,
repeated thrice. This order is reversed in an even rasi. Find whether the lagna
is odd or even. What the rising navamsa represents may be ascertained by
counting in the manner described. Moola- things with roots, vegetation.

If the Sun and Mars are strong, the query relates to dhatus. If the Sun and Mars
are fortified in an angle especially in the lagna, the query will be about a

If Saturn and Mercury is strong, the query relates to moolas. If Mercury and
Saturn are strongly placed in an angle especially in the lagna, the question
relates to a moola.

If the Moon, Jupiter and Venus are strong the query relates to jeevas. If the
Moon, Jupiter and Venus are strongly disposed in an angle, especially in the
lagna , the query will bear on a jeeva.

If Jupiter is in the 2nd, Venus in the 1st or the 4th, or Mercury in the 10th,
from lagna or arudha, then it is about some business (Karya Prasna).


1. The strength of a planet is to be judged by its placement in own navamsa,
friendly navamsa, or inimical navamsa. If the planet endowed with the greatest
strength occupies the lagna, the subject of the query will be about one who is
intimately connected with the querent, or simply about oneself. If the planet
occupying the lagna happens to be powerful and the lord of the rising navamsa,
the query will be about the querent themselves. If the planet is powerful and
friendly to the lord of the navamsa lagna, the query will be about a friend. If
the planet is powerful and inimical to the lord of the navamsa lagna, the query
will relate to an enemy.
2. If the planet endowed with the greatest strength occupies the 3rd house, it
will be about one's brothers.
1. If it occupies the 5th house, the question will relate to one's issue.
2. If it occupies the 4th house, it will be about one's mother or his sister.
3. If it occupies the 6th house, it will be about an enemy of the querist.
4. If it occupies the 7th house, it will relate to one's wife.
5. If it occupies the 9th house, it will be about one who is engaged in some
virtuous action, or about religion.
6. If it occupies the 10th house, it will relate to one's preceptor.
7. Consideration should be made whether the lord of the navamsa lagna is endowed
with strength and is friendly or inimical to the lord of the ascendant (meaning
the person the query is about is friendly or inimical towards the querent).


1. If a planet occupying its own navamsa, is aspecting it's own navamsa in the
1st, 5th or 9th, or is in its own navamsa in the 1st, the 5th or the 9th, the
subject of the query relates to dhatus- minerals. If the aspecting planet in the
above case occupies a navamsa of another planet, the subject relates to jeevas-
living beings. If the aspecting planet is in another's navamsa and aspects
another's navamsa in the Lagna, the 5th or the 9th, the query relates to moolas-

2. Find out who between the Ascendant lord and the 11th lord is stronger in
Shadbala. Note the position of Moon from the stronger planet. The querist will
be thinking about a matter pertaining to the house in which the Moon is posited.

3. The querist may have that subject in his mind which is concerned with: 1. The
house with the lord of which the Moon is in Itthashala Yoga. 2. The house whose
lord is in Itthashala Yoga with the Ascendant Lord. 3. The house of the
strongest planet amongst (a) the Moon (b) a strong planet and (c) the lagna

4. One has to examine the angles to know what is in one's thoughts.

5. Determine from the planets influencing the Chattira Rasi one's thought in

6. Some say that from the lagna the thought about dhatus, from the Aruda the
thought about moolas and from the Chattira rasi the thought about jeevas should
be determined. as stated by some.

7. Whichever planet aspects the Moon such planet's appearances, categories,
caste, color etc. have to be guessed after the study of their strength like
exaltation, own, depression, etc.

8. The shape, color and form of the article is to be divined from the shape,
color and form of the strongest planet at the moment of query. The length of the
article is to be predicted from the length of the rasi.

9. If a planet occupies the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, or 10th from Lagna, Arudha or
the Moon, and if ts navamsa is Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then say that it is a
chora prasna (about theft).

10. If the lord of Lagna is in a movable Rasi or Navamsa or in an angle or in a
strong position, then it is Swastha Prasna, about the native himself and his

11. If the lord of Lagna occupies a fixed rasi or fixed navamsa or is in the 6th
or the 12th houses or found weak in all respects, then it is to be inferred that
the querist is suffering from severe illness and the question relates to
disease. If the lord of Lagna is subject to mixed influences, the man's illness
increases sometimes and decreases sometimes like the ebb and flow of water.

Dewavrat Buit
M.Sc.(Maths),Jyotisha Shastri,
Radionic Analyst,
4A; Pranesh Appartments,
SA Road, Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur 440022
Ph. 917123295442


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